Creates a new #WebKitApplicationInfo the newly created #WebKitApplicationInfo. Get the name of the application. If webkit_application_info_set_name() hasn't been called with a valid name, this returns g_get_prgname(). the application name a #WebKitApplicationInfo Get the application version previously set with webkit_application_info_set_version(). a #WebKitApplicationInfo return location for the major version number return location for the minor version number return location for the micro version number Atomically increments the reference count of @info by one. This function is MT-safe and may be called from any thread. The passed in #WebKitApplicationInfo a #WebKitApplicationInfo Set the name of the application. If not provided, or %NULL is passed, g_get_prgname() will be used. a #WebKitApplicationInfo the application name Set the application version. If the application doesn't use the format major.minor.micro you can pass 0 as the micro to use major.minor, or pass 0 as both micro and minor to use only major number. Any other format must be converted to major.minor.micro so that it can be used in version comparisons. a #WebKitApplicationInfo the major version number the minor version number the micro version number Atomically decrements the reference count of @info by one. If the reference count drops to 0, all memory allocated by the #WebKitApplicationInfo is released. This function is MT-safe and may be called from any thread. a #WebKitApplicationInfo Authenticate the #WebKitAuthenticationRequest using the #WebKitCredential supplied. To continue without credentials, pass %NULL as @credential. a #WebKitAuthenticationRequest A #WebKitCredential, or %NULL Determine whether the authentication method associated with this #WebKitAuthenticationRequest should allow the storage of credentials. This will return %FALSE if WebKit doesn't support credential storing or if private browsing is enabled. %TRUE if WebKit can store credentials or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitAuthenticationRequest Cancel the authentication challenge. This will also cancel the page loading and result in a #WebKitWebView::load-failed signal with a #WebKitNetworkError of type %WEBKIT_NETWORK_ERROR_CANCELLED being emitted. a #WebKitAuthenticationRequest Get the host that this authentication challenge is applicable to. The host of @request. a #WebKitAuthenticationRequest Get the port that this authentication challenge is applicable to. The port of @request. a #WebKitAuthenticationRequest Get the #WebKitCredential of the proposed authentication challenge that was stored from a previous session. The client can use this directly for authentication or construct their own #WebKitCredential. A #WebKitCredential encapsulating credential details or %NULL if there is no stored credential. a #WebKitAuthenticationRequest Get the realm that this authentication challenge is applicable to. The realm of @request. a #WebKitAuthenticationRequest Get the authentication scheme of the authentication challenge. The #WebKitAuthenticationScheme of @request. a #WebKitAuthenticationRequest Determine whether the authentication challenge is associated with a proxy server rather than an "origin" server. %TRUE if authentication is for a proxy or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitAuthenticationRequest Determine whether this this is a first attempt or a retry for this authentication challenge. %TRUE if authentication attempt is a retry or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitAuthenticationRequest This signal is emitted when the user authentication request is cancelled. It allows the application to dismiss its authentication dialog in case of page load failure for example. Enum values representing the authentication scheme. The default authentication scheme of WebKit. Basic authentication scheme as defined in RFC 2617. Digest authentication scheme as defined in RFC 2617. HTML Form authentication. NTLM Microsoft proprietary authentication scheme. Negotiate (or SPNEGO) authentication scheme as defined in RFC 4559. Client Certificate Authentication (see RFC 2246). Server Trust Authentication. Authentication scheme unknown. Get the #WebKitAutomationSession previously set with webkit_automation_session_set_application_info(). the #WebKitAutomationSession of @session, or %NULL if no one has been set. a #WebKitAutomationSession Get the unique identifier of a #WebKitAutomationSession the unique identifier of @session a #WebKitAutomationSession Set the application information to @session. This information will be used by the driver service to match the requested capabilities with the actual application information. If this information is not provided to the session when a new automation session is requested, the creation might fail if the client requested a specific browser name or version. This will not have any effect when called after the automation session has been fully created, so this must be called in the callback of #WebKitWebContext::automation-started signal. a #WebKitAutomationSession a #WebKitApplicationInfo The session unique identifier. This signal is emitted when the automation client requests a new browsing context to interact with it. The callback handler should return a #WebKitWebView created with #WebKitWebView:is-controlled-by-automation construct property enabled. The returned #WebKitWebView could be an existing web view or a new one created and added to a new tab or window. a #WebKitWebView widget. Returns the item that precedes the current item. the #WebKitBackForwardListItem preceding the current item or %NULL. a #WebKitBackForwardList a #GList of items preceding the current item. a #WebKitBackForwardList a #GList of items preceding the current item limited by @limit. a #WebKitBackForwardList the number of items to retrieve Returns the current item in @back_forward_list. a #WebKitBackForwardListItem or %NULL if @back_forward_list is empty. a #WebKitBackForwardList Returns the item that follows the current item. the #WebKitBackForwardListItem following the current item or %NULL. a #WebKitBackForwardList a #GList of items following the current item. a #WebKitBackForwardList a #GList of items following the current item limited by @limit. a #WebKitBackForwardList the number of items to retrieve the length of @back_forward_list. a #WebKitBackForwardList Returns the item at a given index relative to the current item. the #WebKitBackForwardListItem located at the specified index relative to the current item or %NULL. a #WebKitBackForwardList the index of the item This signal is emitted when @back_forward_list changes. This happens when the current item is updated, a new item is added or one or more items are removed. Note that both @item_added and @items_removed can %NULL when only the current item is updated. Items are only removed when the list is cleared or the maximum items limit is reached. the #WebKitBackForwardListItem added or %NULL a #GList of #WebKitBackForwardListItem<!-- -->s See also webkit_back_forward_list_item_get_uri(). the original URI of @list_item or %NULL when the original URI is empty. a #WebKitBackForwardListItem the page title of @list_item or %NULL when the title is empty. a #WebKitBackForwardListItem This URI may differ from the original URI if the page was, for example, redirected to a new location. See also webkit_back_forward_list_item_get_original_uri(). the URI of @list_item or %NULL when the URI is empty. a #WebKitBackForwardListItem major version (e.g. 1 for version 1.2.5) minor version (e.g. 2 for version 1.2.5) micro version (e.g. 5 for version 1.2.5) Enum values used for determining the #WebKitWebContext cache model. Disable the cache completely, which substantially reduces memory usage. Useful for applications that only access a single local file, with no navigation to other pages. No remote resources will be cached. Improve document load speed substantially by caching a very large number of resources and previously viewed content. A cache model optimized for viewing a series of local files -- for example, a documentation viewer or a website designer. WebKit will cache a moderate number of resources. Cancels @request and the input element changes to use the initial color it has before the request started. The signal #WebKitColorChooserRequest::finished is emitted to notify that the request has finished. a #WebKitColorChooserRequest Finishes @request and the input element keeps the current value of #WebKitColorChooserRequest:rgba. The signal #WebKitColorChooserRequest::finished is emitted to notify that the request has finished. a #WebKitColorChooserRequest Gets the bounding box of the color input element. a #WebKitColorChooserRequest a #GdkRectangle to fill in with the element area Gets the current #GdkRGBA color of @request a #WebKitColorChooserRequest a #GdkRGBA to fill in with the current color. Sets the current #GdkRGBA color of @request a #WebKitFileChooserRequest a pointer #GdkRGBA Emitted when the @request finishes. This signal can be emitted because the user completed the @request calling webkit_color_chooser_request_finish(), or cancelled it with webkit_color_chooser_request_cancel() or because the color input element is removed from the DOM. Creates a new #WebKitContextMenu object to be used as a submenu of an existing #WebKitContextMenu. The context menu of a #WebKitWebView is created by the view and passed as an argument of #WebKitWebView::context-menu signal. To add items to the menu use webkit_context_menu_prepend(), webkit_context_menu_append() or webkit_context_menu_insert(). See also webkit_context_menu_new_with_items() to create a #WebKitContextMenu with a list of initial items. The newly created #WebKitContextMenu object Creates a new #WebKitContextMenu object to be used as a submenu of an existing #WebKitContextMenu with the given initial items. See also webkit_context_menu_new() The newly created #WebKitContextMenu object a #GList of #WebKitContextMenuItem Adds @item at the end of the @menu. a #WebKitContextMenu the #WebKitContextMenuItem to add Gets the first item in the @menu. the first #WebKitContextMenuItem of @menu, or %NULL if the #WebKitContextMenu is empty. a #WebKitContextMenu Gets the item at the given position in the @menu. the #WebKitContextMenuItem at position @position in @menu, or %NULL if the position is off the end of the @menu. a #WebKitContextMenu the position of the item, counting from 0 Returns the item list of @menu. a #GList of #WebKitContextMenuItem<!-- -->s a #WebKitContextMenu Gets the length of the @menu. the number of #WebKitContextMenuItem<!-- -->s in @menu a #WebKitContextMenu Gets the user data of @menu. This function can be used from the UI Process to get user data previously set from the Web Process with webkit_context_menu_set_user_data(). the user data of @menu, or %NULL if @menu doesn't have user data a #WebKitContextMenu Inserts @item into the @menu at the given position. If @position is negative, or is larger than the number of items in the #WebKitContextMenu, the item is added on to the end of the @menu. The first position is 0. a #WebKitContextMenu the #WebKitContextMenuItem to add the position to insert the item Gets the last item in the @menu. the last #WebKitContextMenuItem of @menu, or %NULL if the #WebKitContextMenu is empty. a #WebKitContextMenu Moves @item to the given position in the @menu. If @position is negative, or is larger than the number of items in the #WebKitContextMenu, the item is added on to the end of the @menu. The first position is 0. a #WebKitContextMenu the #WebKitContextMenuItem to add the new position to move the item Adds @item at the beginning of the @menu. a #WebKitContextMenu the #WebKitContextMenuItem to add Removes @item from the @menu. See also webkit_context_menu_remove_all() to remove all items. a #WebKitContextMenu the #WebKitContextMenuItem to remove Removes all items of the @menu. a #WebKitContextMenu Sets user data to @menu. This function can be used from a Web Process extension to set user data that can be retrieved from the UI Process using webkit_context_menu_get_user_data(). If the @user_data #GVariant is floating, it is consumed. a #WebKitContextMenu a #GVariant Enum values used to denote the stock actions for #WebKitContextMenuItem<!-- -->s No action, used by separator menu items. Open current link. Open current link in a new window. Download link destination. Copy link location to the clipboard. Open current image in a new window. Download current image. Copy current image to the clipboard. Copy current image location to the clipboard. Open current frame in a new window. Load the previous history item. Load the next history item. Stop any ongoing loading operation. Reload the contents of current view. Copy current selection the clipboard. Cut current selection to the clipboard. Paste clipboard contents. Delete current selection. Select all text. Input methods menu. Unicode menu. A proposed replacement for a misspelled word. An indicator that spellchecking found no proposed replacements. Causes the spellchecker to ignore the word for this session. Causes the spellchecker to add the word to the dictionary. Ignore grammar. Font options menu. Bold. Italic. Underline. Outline. Open current element in the inspector. Open current video element in a new window. Open current audio element in a new window. Copy video link location in to the clipboard. Copy audio link location in to the clipboard. Enable or disable media controls. Enable or disable media loop. Show current video element in fullscreen mode. Play current media element. Pause current media element. Mute current media element. Download video to disk. Since 2.2 Download audio to disk. Since 2.2 Insert an emoji. Since 2.26 Custom action defined by applications. Creates a new #WebKitContextMenuItem for the given @action. Use webkit_context_menu_item_new_from_gaction() instead. the newly created #WebKitContextMenuItem object. a #GtkAction Creates a new #WebKitContextMenuItem for the given @action and @label. On activation @target will be passed as parameter to the callback. the newly created #WebKitContextMenuItem object. a #GAction the menu item label text a #GVariant to use as the action target Creates a new #WebKitContextMenuItem for the given stock action. Stock actions are handled automatically by WebKit so that, for example, when a menu item created with a %WEBKIT_CONTEXT_MENU_ACTION_STOP is activated the action associated will be handled by WebKit and the current load operation will be stopped. You can get the #GtkAction of a #WebKitContextMenuItem created with a #WebKitContextMenuAction with webkit_context_menu_item_get_action() and connect to #GtkAction::activate signal to be notified when the item is activated. But you can't prevent the associated action from being performed. the newly created #WebKitContextMenuItem object. a #WebKitContextMenuAction stock action Creates a new #WebKitContextMenuItem for the given stock action using the given @label. Stock actions have a predefined label, this method can be used to create a #WebKitContextMenuItem for a #WebKitContextMenuAction but using a custom label. the newly created #WebKitContextMenuItem object. a #WebKitContextMenuAction stock action a custom label text to use instead of the predefined one Creates a new #WebKitContextMenuItem representing a separator. the newly created #WebKitContextMenuItem object. Creates a new #WebKitContextMenuItem using the given @label with a submenu. the newly created #WebKitContextMenuItem object. the menu item label text a #WebKitContextMenu to set Gets the action associated to @item as a #GtkAction. Use webkit_context_menu_item_get_gaction() instead. the #GtkAction associated to the #WebKitContextMenuItem, or %NULL if @item is a separator. a #WebKitContextMenuItem Gets the action associated to @item as a #GAction. the #GAction associated to the #WebKitContextMenuItem, or %NULL if @item is a separator. a #WebKitContextMenuItem Gets the #WebKitContextMenuAction of @item. If the #WebKitContextMenuItem was not created for a stock action %WEBKIT_CONTEXT_MENU_ACTION_CUSTOM will be returned. If the #WebKitContextMenuItem is a separator %WEBKIT_CONTEXT_MENU_ACTION_NO_ACTION will be returned. the #WebKitContextMenuAction of @item a #WebKitContextMenuItem Gets the submenu of @item. the #WebKitContextMenu representing the submenu of @item or %NULL if @item doesn't have a submenu. a #WebKitContextMenuItem Checks whether @item is a separator. %TRUE is @item is a separator or %FALSE otherwise a #WebKitContextMenuItem Sets or replaces the @item submenu. If @submenu is %NULL the current submenu of @item is removed. a #WebKitContextMenuItem a #WebKitContextMenu Enum values used to denote the cookie acceptance policies. Accept all cookies unconditionally. Reject all cookies unconditionally. Accept only cookies set by the main document loaded. Asynchronously add a #SoupCookie to the underlying storage. When the operation is finished, @callback will be called. You can then call webkit_cookie_manager_add_cookie_finish() to get the result of the operation. a #WebKitCookieManager the #SoupCookie to be added a #GCancellable or %NULL to ignore a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied the data to pass to callback function Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_cookie_manager_add_cookie(). %TRUE if the cookie was added or %FALSE in case of error. a #WebKitCookieManager a #GAsyncResult Delete all cookies of @cookie_manager Use webkit_website_data_manager_clear() instead. a #WebKitCookieManager Asynchronously delete a #SoupCookie from the current session. When the operation is finished, @callback will be called. You can then call webkit_cookie_manager_delete_cookie_finish() to get the result of the operation. a #WebKitCookieManager the #SoupCookie to be deleted a #GCancellable or %NULL to ignore a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied the data to pass to callback function Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_cookie_manager_delete_cookie(). %TRUE if the cookie was deleted or %FALSE in case of error. a #WebKitCookieManager a #GAsyncResult Remove all cookies of @cookie_manager for the given @domain. Use webkit_website_data_manager_remove() instead. a #WebKitCookieManager a domain name Asynchronously get the cookie acceptance policy of @cookie_manager. When the operation is finished, @callback will be called. You can then call webkit_cookie_manager_get_accept_policy_finish() to get the result of the operation. a #WebKitCookieManager a #GCancellable or %NULL to ignore a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied the data to pass to callback function Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_cookie_manager_get_accept_policy(). the cookie acceptance policy of @cookie_manager as a #WebKitCookieAcceptPolicy. a #WebKitCookieManager a #GAsyncResult Asynchronously get a list of #SoupCookie from @cookie_manager associated with @uri, which must be either an HTTP or an HTTPS URL. When the operation is finished, @callback will be called. You can then call webkit_cookie_manager_get_cookies_finish() to get the result of the operation. a #WebKitCookieManager the URI associated to the cookies to be retrieved a #GCancellable or %NULL to ignore a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied the data to pass to callback function Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_cookie_manager_get_cookies(). The return value is a #GSList of #SoupCookie instances which should be released with g_list_free_full() and soup_cookie_free(). A #GList of #SoupCookie instances. a #WebKitCookieManager a #GAsyncResult Asynchronously get the list of domains for which @cookie_manager contains cookies. When the operation is finished, @callback will be called. You can then call webkit_cookie_manager_get_domains_with_cookies_finish() to get the result of the operation. Use webkit_website_data_manager_fetch() instead. a #WebKitCookieManager a #GCancellable or %NULL to ignore a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied the data to pass to callback function Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_cookie_manager_get_domains_with_cookies(). The return value is a %NULL terminated list of strings which should be released with g_strfreev(). Use webkit_website_data_manager_fetch_finish() instead. A %NULL terminated array of domain names or %NULL in case of error. a #WebKitCookieManager a #GAsyncResult Set the cookie acceptance policy of @cookie_manager as @policy. a #WebKitCookieManager a #WebKitCookieAcceptPolicy Set the @filename where non-session cookies are stored persistently using @storage as the format to read/write the cookies. Cookies are initially read from @filename to create an initial set of cookies. Then, non-session cookies will be written to @filename when the WebKitCookieManager::changed signal is emitted. By default, @cookie_manager doesn't store the cookies persistently, so you need to call this method to keep cookies saved across sessions. This method should never be called on a #WebKitCookieManager associated to an ephemeral #WebKitWebsiteDataManager. a #WebKitCookieManager the filename to read to/write from a #WebKitCookiePersistentStorage This signal is emitted when cookies are added, removed or modified. Enum values used to denote the cookie persistent storage types. Cookies are stored in a text file in the Mozilla "cookies.txt" format. Cookies are stored in a SQLite file in the current Mozilla format. Create a new credential from the provided username, password and persistence mode. A #WebKitCredential. The username for the new credential The password for the new credential The #WebKitCredentialPersistence of the new credential Make a copy of the #WebKitCredential. A copy of passed in #WebKitCredential a #WebKitCredential Free the #WebKitCredential. A #WebKitCredential Get the password currently held by this #WebKitCredential. The password stored in the #WebKitCredential. a #WebKitCredential Get the persistence mode currently held by this #WebKitCredential. The #WebKitCredentialPersistence stored in the #WebKitCredential. a #WebKitCredential Get the username currently held by this #WebKitCredential. The username stored in the #WebKitCredential. a #WebKitCredential Determine whether this credential has a password stored. %TRUE if the credential has a password or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitCredential Enum values representing the duration for which a credential persists. Credential does not persist Credential persists for session only Credential persists permanently Cancels the download. When the ongoing download operation is effectively cancelled the signal #WebKitDownload::failed is emitted with %WEBKIT_DOWNLOAD_ERROR_CANCELLED_BY_USER error. a #WebKitDownload Returns the current value of the #WebKitDownload:allow-overwrite property, which determines whether the download will overwrite an existing file on disk, or if it will fail if the destination already exists. the current value of the #WebKitDownload:allow-overwrite property a #WebKitDownload Obtains the URI to which the downloaded file will be written. You can connect to #WebKitDownload::created-destination to make sure this method returns a valid destination. the destination URI or %NULL a #WebKitDownload Gets the elapsed time in seconds, including any fractional part. If the download finished, had an error or was cancelled this is the time between its start and the event. seconds since the download was started a #WebKitDownload Gets the value of the #WebKitDownload:estimated-progress property. You can monitor the estimated progress of the download operation by connecting to the notify::estimated-progress signal of @download. an estimate of the of the percent complete for a download as a range from 0.0 to 1.0. a #WebKitDownload Gets the length of the data already downloaded for @download in bytes. the amount of bytes already downloaded. a #WebKitDownload Retrieves the #WebKitURIRequest object that backs the download process. the #WebKitURIRequest of @download a #WebKitDownload Retrieves the #WebKitURIResponse object that backs the download process. This method returns %NULL if called before the response is received from the server. You can connect to notify::response signal to be notified when the response is received. the #WebKitURIResponse, or %NULL if the response hasn't been received yet. a #WebKitDownload Get the #WebKitWebView that initiated the download. the #WebKitWebView that initiated @download, or %NULL if @download was not initiated by a #WebKitWebView. a #WebKitDownload Sets the #WebKitDownload:allow-overwrite property, which determines whether the download may overwrite an existing file on disk, or if it will fail if the destination already exists. a #WebKitDownload the new value for the #WebKitDownload:allow-overwrite property Sets the URI to which the downloaded file will be written. This method should be called before the download transfer starts or it will not have any effect on the ongoing download operation. To set the destination using the filename suggested by the server connect to #WebKitDownload::decide-destination signal and call webkit_download_set_destination(). If you want to set a fixed destination URI that doesn't depend on the suggested filename you can connect to notify::response signal and call webkit_download_set_destination(). If #WebKitDownload::decide-destination signal is not handled and destination URI is not set when the download transfer starts, the file will be saved with the filename suggested by the server in %G_USER_DIRECTORY_DOWNLOAD directory. a #WebKitDownload the destination URI Whether or not the download is allowed to overwrite an existing file on disk. If this property is %FALSE and the destination already exists, the download will fail. The local URI to where the download will be saved. An estimate of the percent completion for the download operation. This value will range from 0.0 to 1.0. The value is an estimate based on the total number of bytes expected to be received for a download. If you need a more accurate progress information you can connect to #WebKitDownload::received-data signal to track the progress. The #WebKitURIResponse associated with this download. This signal is emitted after #WebKitDownload::decide-destination and before #WebKitDownload::received-data to notify that destination file has been created successfully at @destination. the destination URI This signal is emitted after response is received to decide a destination URI for the download. If this signal is not handled the file will be downloaded to %G_USER_DIRECTORY_DOWNLOAD directory using @suggested_filename. %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. %FALSE to propagate the event further. the filename suggested for the download This signal is emitted when an error occurs during the download operation. The given @error, of the domain %WEBKIT_DOWNLOAD_ERROR, contains further details of the failure. If the download is cancelled with webkit_download_cancel(), this signal is emitted with error %WEBKIT_DOWNLOAD_ERROR_CANCELLED_BY_USER. The download operation finishes after an error and #WebKitDownload::finished signal is emitted after this one. the #GError that was triggered This signal is emitted when download finishes successfully or due to an error. In case of errors #WebKitDownload::failed signal is emitted before this one. This signal is emitted after response is received, every time new data has been written to the destination. It's useful to know the progress of the download operation. the length of data received in bytes Enum values used to denote the various download errors. Download failure due to network error Download was cancelled by user Download failure due to destination error The copy clipboard command. Copies the current selection inside a #WebKitWebView to the clipboard. You can check whether it's possible to execute the command with webkit_web_view_can_execute_editing_command(). In general it's possible to copy to the clipboard when there is an active selection inside the #WebKitWebView. The create link command. Creates a link element that is inserted at the current cursor position. If there's a selection, the selected text will be used as the link text, otherwise the URL itself will be used. It receives the link URL as argument. This command should be executed with webkit_web_view_execute_editing_command_with_argument() The cut clipboard command. Copies the current selection inside a #WebKitWebView to the clipboard and deletes the selected content. You can check whether it's possible to execute the command with webkit_web_view_can_execute_editing_command(). In general it's possible to cut to the clipboard when the #WebKitWebView content is editable and there is an active selection. The insert image command. Creates an image element that is inserted at the current cursor position. It receives an URI as argument, that is used as the image source. This command should be executed with webkit_web_view_execute_editing_command_with_argument(). The paste clipboard command. Pastes the contents of the clipboard to a #WebKitWebView. You can check whether it's possible to execute the command with webkit_web_view_can_execute_editing_command(). In general it's possible to paste from the clipboard when the #WebKitWebView content is editable and clipboard is not empty. The redo command. Redoes a previously undone editing command in a #WebKitWebView. You can check whether it's possible to execute the command with webkit_web_view_can_execute_editing_command(). It's only possible to redo a command when it has been previously undone. The select all command. Selects all the content of the current text field in a #WebKitWebView. It is always possible to select all text, no matter whether the #WebKitWebView content is editable or not. You can still check it with webkit_web_view_can_execute_editing_command(). The undo command. Undoes the last editing command in a #WebKitWebView. You can check whether it's possible to execute the command with webkit_web_view_can_execute_editing_command(). It's only possible to undo a command after a previously executed editing operation. Gets the typing attributes at the current cursor position. If there is a selection, this returns the typing attributes of the selected text. Note that in case of a selection, typing attributes are considered active only when they are present throughout the selection. a bitmask of #WebKitEditorTypingAttributes flags a #WebKitEditorState Gets whether a copy command can be issued. %TRUE if copy is currently available a #WebKitEditorState Gets whether a cut command can be issued. %TRUE if cut is currently available a #WebKitEditorState Gets whether a paste command can be issued. %TRUE if paste is currently available a #WebKitEditorState Gets whether a redo command can be issued. %TRUE if redo is currently available a #WebKitEditorState Gets whether an undo command can be issued. %TRUE if undo is currently available a #WebKitEditorState Bitmask of #WebKitEditorTypingAttributes flags. See webkit_editor_state_get_typing_attributes() for more information. Enum values with flags representing typing attributes. No typing attributes. Bold typing attribute. Italic typing attribute. Underline typing attribute. Strikethrough typing attribute. Clears all icons from the database. a #WebKitFaviconDatabase Asynchronously obtains a #cairo_surface_t of the favicon for the given page URI. It returns the cached icon if it's in the database asynchronously waiting for the icon to be read from the database. This is an asynchronous method. When the operation is finished, callback will be invoked. You can then call webkit_favicon_database_get_favicon_finish() to get the result of the operation. You must call webkit_web_context_set_favicon_database_directory() for the #WebKitWebContext associated with this #WebKitFaviconDatabase before attempting to use this function; otherwise, webkit_favicon_database_get_favicon_finish() will return %WEBKIT_FAVICON_DATABASE_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED. a #WebKitFaviconDatabase URI of the page for which we want to retrieve the favicon A #GCancellable or %NULL. A #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied or %NULL if you don't care about the result. The data to pass to @callback. Finishes an operation started with webkit_favicon_database_get_favicon(). a new reference to a #cairo_surface_t, or %NULL in case of error. a #WebKitFaviconDatabase A #GAsyncResult obtained from the #GAsyncReadyCallback passed to webkit_favicon_database_get_favicon() Obtains the URI of the favicon for the given @page_uri. a newly allocated URI for the favicon, or %NULL if the database doesn't have a favicon for @page_uri. a #WebKitFaviconDatabase URI of the page containing the icon This signal is emitted when the favicon URI of @page_uri has been changed to @favicon_uri in the database. You can connect to this signal and call webkit_favicon_database_get_favicon() to get the favicon. If you are interested in the favicon of a #WebKitWebView it's easier to use the #WebKitWebView:favicon property. See webkit_web_view_get_favicon() for more details. the URI of the Web page containing the icon the URI of the favicon Enum values used to denote the various errors related to the #WebKitFaviconDatabase. The #WebKitFaviconDatabase has not been initialized yet There is not an icon available for the requested URL There might be an icon for the requested URL, but its data is unknown at the moment Ask WebKit to cancel the request. It's important to do this in case no selection has been made in the client, otherwise the request won't be properly completed and the browser will keep the request pending forever, which might cause the browser to hang. a #WebKitFileChooserRequest Get the list of MIME types the file chooser dialog should handle, in the format specified in RFC 2046 for "media types". Its contents depend on the value of the 'accept' attribute for HTML input elements. This function should normally be called before presenting the file chooser dialog to the user, to decide whether to allow the user to select multiple files at once or only one. a %NULL-terminated array of strings if a list of accepted MIME types is defined or %NULL otherwise, meaning that any MIME type should be accepted. This array and its contents are owned by WebKit and should not be modified or freed. a #WebKitFileChooserRequest Get the filter currently associated with the request, ready to be used by #GtkFileChooser. This function should normally be called before presenting the file chooser dialog to the user, to decide whether to apply a filter so the user would not be allowed to select files with other MIME types. See webkit_file_chooser_request_get_mime_types() if you are interested in getting the list of accepted MIME types. a #GtkFileFilter if a list of accepted MIME types is defined or %NULL otherwise. The returned object is owned by WebKit should not be modified or freed. a #WebKitFileChooserRequest Determine whether the file chooser associated to this #WebKitFileChooserRequest should allow selecting multiple files, which depends on the HTML input element having a 'multiple' attribute defined. %TRUE if the file chooser should allow selecting multiple files or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitFileChooserRequest Get the list of selected files currently associated to the request. Initially, the return value of this method contains any files selected in previous file chooser requests for this HTML input element. Once webkit_file_chooser_request_select_files, the value will reflect whatever files are given. This function should normally be called only before presenting the file chooser dialog to the user, to decide whether to perform some extra action, like pre-selecting the files from a previous request. a %NULL-terminated array of strings if there are selected files associated with the request or %NULL otherwise. This array and its contents are owned by WebKit and should not be modified or freed. a #WebKitFileChooserRequest Ask WebKit to select local files for upload and complete the request. a #WebKitFileChooserRequest a %NULL-terminated array of strings, containing paths to local files. The filter currently associated with the request. See webkit_file_chooser_request_get_mime_types_filter() for more details. A %NULL-terminated array of strings containing the list of MIME types the file chooser dialog should handle. See webkit_file_chooser_request_get_mime_types() for more details. Whether the file chooser should allow selecting multiple files. See webkit_file_chooser_request_get_select_multiple() for more details. A %NULL-terminated array of strings containing the list of selected files associated to the current request. See webkit_file_chooser_request_get_selected_files() for more details. Counts the number of matches for @search_text found in the #WebKitWebView with the provided @find_options. The number of matches will be provided by the #WebKitFindController::counted-matches signal. the #WebKitFindController the text to look for a bitmask with the #WebKitFindOptions used in the search the maximum number of matches allowed in the search Gets the maximum number of matches to report during a text lookup. This number is passed as the last argument of webkit_find_controller_search() or webkit_find_controller_count_matches(). the maximum number of matches to report. the #WebKitFindController Gets a bitmask containing the #WebKitFindOptions associated with the current search. a bitmask containing the #WebKitFindOptions associated with the current search. the #WebKitFindController Gets the text that @find_controller is currently searching for. This text is passed to either webkit_find_controller_search() or webkit_find_controller_count_matches(). the text to look for in the #WebKitWebView. the #WebKitFindController Gets the #WebKitWebView this find controller is associated to. Do not dereference the returned instance as it belongs to the #WebKitFindController. the #WebKitWebView. the #WebKitFindController Looks for @search_text in the #WebKitWebView associated with @find_controller since the beginning of the document highlighting up to @max_match_count matches. The outcome of the search will be asynchronously provided by the #WebKitFindController::found-text and #WebKitFindController::failed-to-find-text signals. To look for the next or previous occurrences of the same text with the same find options use webkit_find_controller_search_next() and/or webkit_find_controller_search_previous(). The #WebKitFindController will use the same text and options for the following searches unless they are modified by another call to this method. Note that if the number of matches is higher than @max_match_count then #WebKitFindController::found-text will report %G_MAXUINT matches instead of the actual number. Callers should call webkit_find_controller_search_finish() to finish the current search operation. the #WebKitFindController the text to look for a bitmask with the #WebKitFindOptions used in the search the maximum number of matches allowed in the search Finishes a find operation started by webkit_find_controller_search(). It will basically unhighlight every text match found. This method will be typically called when the search UI is closed/hidden by the client application. a #WebKitFindController Looks for the next occurrence of the search text. Calling this method before webkit_find_controller_search() or webkit_find_controller_count_matches() is a programming error. the #WebKitFindController Looks for the previous occurrence of the search text. Calling this method before webkit_find_controller_search() or webkit_find_controller_count_matches() is a programming error. the #WebKitFindController The maximum number of matches to report for a given search. The options to be used in the search operation. The current search text for this #WebKitFindController. The #WebKitWebView this controller is associated to. This signal is emitted when the #WebKitFindController has counted the number of matches for a given text after a call to webkit_find_controller_count_matches(). the number of matches of the search text This signal is emitted when a search operation does not find any result for the given text. It will be issued if the text is not found asynchronously after a call to webkit_find_controller_search(), webkit_find_controller_search_next() or webkit_find_controller_search_previous(). This signal is emitted when a given text is found in the web page text. It will be issued if the text is found asynchronously after a call to webkit_find_controller_search(), webkit_find_controller_search_next() or webkit_find_controller_search_previous(). the number of matches found of the search text Enum values used to specify search options. no search flags, this means a case sensitive, no wrap, forward only search. case insensitive search. search text only at the begining of the words. treat capital letters in the middle of words as word start. search backwards. if not present search will stop at the end of the document. Get a #GHashTable with the values of the text fields contained in the form associated to @request. Note that fields will be missing if the form contains multiple text input elements with the same name, so this function does not reliably return all text fields. Use webkit_form_submission_request_list_text_fields() instead. a #GHashTable with the form text fields, or %NULL if the form doesn't contain text fields. a #WebKitFormSubmissionRequest Get lists with the names and values of the text fields contained in the form associated to @request. Note that names and values may be %NULL. If this function returns %FALSE, then both @field_names and @field_values will be empty. %TRUE if the form contains text fields, or %FALSE otherwise a #WebKitFormSubmissionRequest names of the text fields in the form values of the text fields in the form Continue the form submission. a #WebKitFormSubmissionRequest Notify @manager that determining the position failed. a #WebKitGeolocationManager the error message Get whether high accuracy is enabled. a #WebKitGeolocationManager Notify @manager that position has been updated to @position. a #WebKitGeolocationManager a #WebKitGeolocationPosition Whether high accuracy is enabled. This is a read-only property that will be set to %TRUE when a #WebKitGeolocationManager needs to get accurate position updates. You can connect to notify::enable-high-accuracy signal to monitor it. The signal is emitted to notify that @manager needs to start receiving position updates. After this signal is emitted the user should provide the updates using webkit_geolocation_manager_update_position() every time the position changes, or use webkit_geolocation_manager_failed() in case it isn't possible to determine the current position. If the signal is not handled, WebKit will try to determine the position using GeoClue if available. %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. %FALSE to propagate the event further. The signal is emitted to notify that @manager doesn't need to receive position updates anymore. WebKitGeolocationPosition is an opaque struct used to provide position updates to a #WebKitGeolocationManager using webkit_geolocation_manager_update_position(). Create a new #WebKitGeolocationPosition a newly created #WebKitGeolocationPosition a valid latitude in degrees a valid longitude in degrees accuracy of location in meters Make a copy of the #WebKitGeolocationPosition a copy of @position a #WebKitGeolocationPosition Free the #WebKitGeolocationPosition a #WebKitGeolocationPosition Set the @position altitude a #WebKitGeolocationPosition altitude in meters Set the accuracy of @position altitude a #WebKitGeolocationPosition accuracy of position altitude in meters Set the @position heading, as a positive angle between the direction of movement and the North direction, in clockwise direction. a #WebKitGeolocationPosition heading in degrees Set the @position speed a #WebKitGeolocationPosition speed in meters per second Set the @position timestamp. By default it's the time when the @position was created. a #WebKitGeolocationPosition timestamp in seconds since the epoch, or 0 to use current time Enum values used for determining the hardware acceleration policy. Hardware acceleration is enabled/disabled as request by web contents. Hardware acceleration is always enabled, even for websites not requesting it. Hardware acceleration is always disabled, even for websites requesting it. Gets whether %WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_EDITABLE flag is present in #WebKitHitTestResult:context. %TRUE if there's an editable element at the coordinates of the @hit_test_result, or %FALSE otherwise a #WebKitHitTestResult Gets whether %WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_IMAGE flag is present in #WebKitHitTestResult:context. %TRUE if there's an image element in the coordinates of the Hit Test, or %FALSE otherwise a #WebKitHitTestResult Gets whether %WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_LINK flag is present in #WebKitHitTestResult:context. %TRUE if there's a link element in the coordinates of the Hit Test, or %FALSE otherwise a #WebKitHitTestResult Gets whether %WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_MEDIA flag is present in #WebKitHitTestResult:context. %TRUE if there's a media element in the coordinates of the Hit Test, or %FALSE otherwise a #WebKitHitTestResult Gets whether %WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_SCROLLBAR flag is present in #WebKitHitTestResult:context. %TRUE if there's a scrollbar element at the coordinates of the @hit_test_result, or %FALSE otherwise a #WebKitHitTestResult Gets whether %WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_SELECTION flag is present in #WebKitHitTestResult:context. %TRUE if there's a selected element at the coordinates of the @hit_test_result, or %FALSE otherwise a #WebKitHitTestResult Gets the value of the #WebKitHitTestResult:context property. a bitmask of #WebKitHitTestResultContext flags a #WebKitHitTestResult Gets the value of the #WebKitHitTestResult:image-uri property. the URI of the image element in the coordinates of the Hit Test, or %NULL if there isn't an image element in @hit_test_result context a #WebKitHitTestResult Gets the value of the #WebKitHitTestResult:link-label property. the label of the link element in the coordinates of the Hit Test, or %NULL if there isn't a link element in @hit_test_result context or the link element doesn't have a label a #WebKitHitTestResult Gets the value of the #WebKitHitTestResult:link-title property. the title of the link element in the coordinates of the Hit Test, or %NULL if there isn't a link element in @hit_test_result context or the link element doesn't have a title a #WebKitHitTestResult Gets the value of the #WebKitHitTestResult:link-uri property. the URI of the link element in the coordinates of the Hit Test, or %NULL if there isn't a link element in @hit_test_result context a #WebKitHitTestResult Gets the value of the #WebKitHitTestResult:media-uri property. the URI of the media element in the coordinates of the Hit Test, or %NULL if there isn't a media element in @hit_test_result context a #WebKitHitTestResult Bitmask of #WebKitHitTestResultContext flags representing the context of the #WebKitHitTestResult. The URI of the image if flag %WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_IMAGE is present in #WebKitHitTestResult:context The label of the link if flag %WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_LINK is present in #WebKitHitTestResult:context The title of the link if flag %WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_LINK is present in #WebKitHitTestResult:context The URI of the link if flag %WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_LINK is present in #WebKitHitTestResult:context The URI of the media if flag %WEBKIT_HIT_TEST_RESULT_CONTEXT_MEDIA is present in #WebKitHitTestResult:context Enum values with flags representing the context of a #WebKitHitTestResult. anywhere in the document. a hyperlink element. an image element. a video or audio element. an editable element a scrollbar element. a selected element. Since 2.8 Enum values used to denote the different events which can trigger the detection of insecure content. Insecure content has been detected by trying to execute any kind of logic (e.g. a script) from an untrusted source. Insecure content has been detected by trying to display any kind of resource (e.g. an image) from an untrusted source. Gets the description about the missing plugins provided by the media backend when a media couldn't be played. a string with the description provided by the media backend. a #WebKitInstallMissingMediaPluginsPermissionRequest Enum values used to denote errors happening when executing JavaScript An exception was raised in JavaScript execution Get the global Javascript context that should be used with the <function>JSValueRef</function> returned by webkit_javascript_result_get_value(). Use jsc_value_get_context() instead. the <function>JSGlobalContextRef</function> for the #WebKitJavascriptResult a #WebKitJavascriptResult Get the #JSCValue of @js_result. the #JSCValue of the #WebKitJavascriptResult a #WebKitJavascriptResult Get the value of @js_result. You should use the <function>JSGlobalContextRef</function> returned by webkit_javascript_result_get_global_context() to use the <function>JSValueRef</function>. Use webkit_javascript_result_get_js_value() instead. the <function>JSValueRef</function> of the #WebKitJavascriptResult a #WebKitJavascriptResult Atomically increments the reference count of @js_result by one. This function is MT-safe and may be called from any thread. The passed in #WebKitJavascriptResult a #WebKitJavascriptResult Atomically decrements the reference count of @js_result by one. If the reference count drops to 0, all memory allocated by the #WebKitJavascriptResult is released. This function is MT-safe and may be called from any thread. a #WebKitJavascriptResult Enum values used to denote the different events that happen during a #WebKitWebView load operation. A new load request has been made. No data has been received yet, empty structures have been allocated to perform the load; the load may still fail due to transport issues such as not being able to resolve a name, or connect to a port. A provisional data source received a server redirect. The content started arriving for a page load. The necessary transport requirements are established, and the load is being performed. Load completed. All resources are done loading or there was an error during the load operation. Like webkit_get_major_version(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time. Like webkit_get_micro_version(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time. Like webkit_get_minor_version(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time. the description of the MIME type of @info a #WebKitMimeInfo Get the list of file extensions associated to the MIME type of @info a %NULL-terminated array of strings a #WebKitMimeInfo the MIME type of @info a #WebKitMimeInfo Atomically increments the reference count of @info by one. This function is MT-safe and may be called from any thread. The passed in #WebKitMimeInfo a #WebKitMimeInfo Atomically decrements the reference count of @info by one. If the reference count drops to 0, all memory allocated by the #WebKitMimeInfo is released. This function is MT-safe and may be called from any thread. a #WebKitMimeInfo Make a copy of @navigation. A copy of passed in #WebKitNavigationAction a #WebKitNavigationAction Free the #WebKitNavigationAction a #WebKitNavigationAction Return a bitmask of #GdkModifierType values describing the modifier keys that were in effect when the navigation was requested the modifier keys a #WebKitNavigationAction Return the number of the mouse button that triggered the navigation, or 0 if the navigation was not started by a mouse event. the mouse button number or 0 a #WebKitNavigationAction Return the type of action that triggered the navigation. a #WebKitNavigationType a #WebKitNavigationAction Return the #WebKitURIRequest associated with the navigation action. Modifications to the returned object are <emphasis>not</emphasis> taken into account when the request is sent over the network, and is intended only to aid in evaluating whether a navigation action should be taken or not. To modify requests before they are sent over the network the #WebKitPage::send-request signal can be used instead. a #WebKitURIRequest a #WebKitNavigationAction Returns whether the @navigation was redirected. %TRUE if the original navigation was redirected, %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitNavigationAction Return whether the navigation was triggered by a user gesture like a mouse click. whether navigation action is a user gesture a #WebKitNavigationAction Gets the value of the #WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision:frame-name property. The name of the new frame this navigation action targets or %NULL a #WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision Gets the value of the #WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision:modifiers property. Use webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_navigation_action() instead. The modifiers active if this decision was triggered by a mouse event a #WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision Gets the value of the #WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision:mouse-button property. Use webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_navigation_action() instead. The mouse button used if this decision was triggered by a mouse event or 0 otherwise a #WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision Gets the value of the #WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision:navigation-action property. The #WebKitNavigationAction triggering this policy decision. a #WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision Gets the value of the #WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision:navigation-type property. Use webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_navigation_action() instead. The type of navigation triggering this policy decision. a #WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision Gets the value of the #WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision:request property. Use webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_navigation_action() instead. The URI request that is associated with this navigation a #WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision If this navigation request targets a new frame, this property contains the name of that frame. For example if the decision was triggered by clicking a link with a target attribute equal to "_blank", this property will contain the value of that attribute. In all other cases, this value will be %NULL. If the navigation associated with this policy decision was originally triggered by a mouse event, this property contains a bitmask of various #GdkModifierType values describing the modifiers used for that click. If the navigation was not triggered by a mouse event or no modifiers were active, the value of this property will be zero. Use #WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision:navigation-action instead If the navigation associated with this policy decision was originally triggered by a mouse event, this property contains non-zero button number of the button triggering that event. The button numbers match those from GDK. If the navigation was not triggered by a mouse event, the value of this property will be 0. Use #WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision:navigation-action instead The #WebKitNavigationAction that triggered this policy decision. The type of navigation that triggered this policy decision. This is useful for enacting different policies depending on what type of user action caused the navigation. Use #WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision:navigation-action instead This property contains the #WebKitURIRequest associated with this navigation. Use #WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision:navigation-action instead Enum values used to denote the various navigation types. The navigation was triggered by clicking a link. The navigation was triggered by submitting a form. The navigation was triggered by navigating forward or backward. The navigation was triggered by reloading. The navigation was triggered by resubmitting a form. The navigation was triggered by some other action. Enum values used to denote the various network errors. Generic load failure Load failure due to transport error Load failure due to unknown protocol Load failure due to cancellation Load failure due to missing file Enum values used to set the network proxy mode. Use the default proxy of the system. Do not use any proxy. Use custom proxy settings. Create a new #WebKitNetworkProxySettings with the given @default_proxy_uri and @ignore_hosts. The default proxy URI will be used for any URI that doesn't match @ignore_hosts, and doesn't match any of the schemes added with webkit_network_proxy_settings_add_proxy_for_scheme(). If @default_proxy_uri starts with "socks://", it will be treated as referring to all three of the socks5, socks4a, and socks4 proxy types. @ignore_hosts is a list of hostnames and IP addresses that the resolver should allow direct connections to. Entries can be in one of 4 formats: <itemizedlist> <listitem><para> A hostname, such as "", "", or "*", any of which match "" or any subdomain of it. </para></listitem> <listitem><para> An IPv4 or IPv6 address, such as "", which matches only that address. </para></listitem> <listitem><para> A hostname or IP address followed by a port, such as "", which matches whatever the hostname or IP address would match, but only for URLs with the (explicitly) indicated port. In the case of an IPv6 address, the address part must appear in brackets: "[::1]:443" </para></listitem> <listitem><para> An IP address range, given by a base address and prefix length, such as "fe80::/10", which matches any address in that range. </para></listitem> </itemizedlist> Note that when dealing with Unicode hostnames, the matching is done against the ASCII form of the name. Also note that hostname exclusions apply only to connections made to hosts identified by name, and IP address exclusions apply only to connections made to hosts identified by address. That is, if has an address of, and @ignore_hosts contains only "", then a connection to "" will use the proxy, and a connection to" will not. A new #WebKitNetworkProxySettings. the default proxy URI to use, or %NULL. an optional list of hosts/IP addresses to not use a proxy for. Adds a URI-scheme-specific proxy. URIs whose scheme matches @uri_scheme will be proxied via @proxy_uri. As with the default proxy URI, if @proxy_uri starts with "socks://", it will be treated as referring to all three of the socks5, socks4a, and socks4 proxy types. a #WebKitNetworkProxySettings the URI scheme to add a proxy for the proxy URI to use for @uri_scheme Make a copy of the #WebKitNetworkProxySettings. A copy of passed in #WebKitNetworkProxySettings a #WebKitNetworkProxySettings Free the #WebKitNetworkProxySettings. A #WebKitNetworkProxySettings Tells WebKit the notification has been clicked. This will emit the #WebKitNotification::clicked signal. a #WebKitNotification Closes the notification. a #WebKitNotification Obtains the body for the notification. the body for the notification a #WebKitNotification Obtains the unique id for the notification. the unique id for the notification a #WebKitNotification Obtains the tag identifier for the notification. the tag for the notification a #WebKitNotification Obtains the title for the notification. the title for the notification a #WebKitNotification The body for the notification. The unique id for the notification. The tag identifier for the notification. The title for the notification. Emitted when a notification has been clicked. See webkit_notification_clicked(). Emitted when a notification has been withdrawn. The default handler will close the notification using libnotify, if built with support for it. Activates the #WebKitOptionMenuItem at @index in @menu. Activating an item changes the value of the element making the item the active one. You are expected to close the menu with webkit_option_menu_close() after activating an item, calling this function again will have no effect. a #WebKitOptionMenu the index of the item Request to close a #WebKitOptionMenu. This emits WebKitOptionMenu::close signal. This function should always be called to notify WebKit that the associated menu has been closed. If the menu is closed and neither webkit_option_menu_select_item() nor webkit_option_menu_activate_item() have been called, the element value remains unchanged. a #WebKitOptionMenu Returns the #WebKitOptionMenuItem at @index in @menu. a #WebKitOptionMenuItem of @menu. a #WebKitOptionMenu the index of the item Gets the length of the @menu. the number of #WebKitOptionMenuItem<!-- -->s in @menu a #WebKitOptionMenu Selects the #WebKitOptionMenuItem at @index in @menu. Selecting an item changes the text shown by the combo button, but it doesn't change the value of the element. You need to explicitly activate the item with webkit_option_menu_select_item() or close the menu with webkit_option_menu_close() in which case the currently selected item will be activated. a #WebKitOptionMenu the index of the item Emitted when closing a #WebKitOptionMenu is requested. This can happen when the user explicitly calls webkit_option_menu_close() or when the element is detached from the current page. Make a copy of the #WebKitOptionMenuItem. A copy of passed in #WebKitOptionMenuItem a #WebKitOptionMenuItem Free the #WebKitOptionMenuItem. A #WebKitOptionMenuItem Get the label of a #WebKitOptionMenuItem. The label of @item. a #WebKitOptionMenuItem Get the tooltip of a #WebKitOptionMenuItem. The tooltip of @item, or %NULL. a #WebKitOptionMenuItem Whether a #WebKitOptionMenuItem is enabled. %TRUE if the @item is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitOptionMenuItem Whether a #WebKitOptionMenuItem is a group child. %TRUE if the @item is a group child or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitOptionMenuItem Whether a #WebKitOptionMenuItem is a group label. %TRUE if the @item is a group label or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitOptionMenuItem Whether a #WebKitOptionMenuItem is the currently selected one. %TRUE if the @item is selected or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitOptionMenuItem Allow the action which triggered this request. a #WebKitPermissionRequest Deny the action which triggered this request. a #WebKitPermissionRequest Allow the action which triggered this request. a #WebKitPermissionRequest Deny the action which triggered this request. a #WebKitPermissionRequest a #WebKitPermissionRequest a #WebKitPermissionRequest the description of the plugin. a #WebKitPlugin Get information about MIME types handled by the plugin, as a list of #WebKitMimeInfo. a #GList of #WebKitMimeInfo. a #WebKitPlugin the name of the plugin. a #WebKitPlugin the absolute path where the plugin is installed. a #WebKitPlugin Enum values used to denote the various plugin errors. Generic plugin load failure Load failure due to missing plugin Load failure due to inability to load plugin Load failure due to missing Java support that is required to load plugin Load failure due to connection cancellation Load failure since plugin handles the load Spawn a download from this decision. a #WebKitPolicyDecision Ignore the action which triggered this decision. For instance, for a #WebKitResponsePolicyDecision, this would cancel the request. a #WebKitPolicyDecision Accept the action which triggered this decision. a #WebKitPolicyDecision Enum values used for determining the type of a policy decision during #WebKitWebView::decide-policy. This type of policy decision is requested when WebKit is about to navigate to a new page in either the main frame or a subframe. Acceptable policy decisions are either webkit_policy_decision_use() or webkit_policy_decision_ignore(). This type of policy decision is always a #WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision. This type of policy decision is requested when WebKit is about to create a new window. Acceptable policy decisions are either webkit_policy_decision_use() or webkit_policy_decision_ignore(). This type of policy decision is always a #WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision. These decisions are useful for implementing special actions for new windows, such as forcing the new window to open in a tab when a keyboard modifier is active or handling a special target attribute on &lt;a&gt; elements. This type of decision is used when WebKit has received a response for a network resource and is about to start the load. Note that these resources include all subresources of a page such as images and stylesheets as well as main documents. Appropriate policy responses to this decision are webkit_policy_decision_use(), webkit_policy_decision_ignore(), or webkit_policy_decision_download(). This type of policy decision is always a #WebKitResponsePolicyDecision. This decision is useful for forcing some types of resources to be downloaded rather than rendered in the WebView or to block the transfer of resources entirely. Enum values used to denote the various policy errors. Generic load failure due to policy error Load failure due to unsupported mime type Load failure due to URI that can not be shown Load failure due to frame load interruption by policy change Load failure due to port restriction Create a new #WebKitPrintCustomWidget with given @widget and @title. The @widget ownership is taken and it is destroyed together with the dialog even if this object could still be alive at that point. You typically want to pass a container widget with multiple widgets in it. a new #WebKitPrintOperation. a #GtkWidget a @widget's title Return the value of #WebKitPrintCustomWidget:title property for the given @print_custom_widget object. Title of the @print_custom_widget. a #WebKitPrintCustomWidget Return the value of #WebKitPrintCustomWidget:widget property for the given @print_custom_widget object. The returned value will always be valid if called from #WebKitPrintCustomWidget::apply or #WebKitPrintCustomWidget::update callbacks, but it will be %NULL if called after the #WebKitPrintCustomWidget::apply signal is emitted. a #GtkWidget. a #WebKitPrintCustomWidget The title of the custom widget. The custom #GtkWidget that will be embedded in the dialog. Emitted right before the printing will start. You should read the information from the widget and update the content based on it if necessary. The widget is not guaranteed to be valid at a later time. Emitted after change of selected printer in the dialog. The actual page setup and print settings are available and the custom widget can actualize itself according to their values. actual page setup actual print settings Enum values used to denote the various print errors. Unspecified error during a print operation Selected printer cannot be found Invalid page range Create a new #WebKitPrintOperation to print @web_view contents. a new #WebKitPrintOperation. a #WebKitWebView Return the current page setup of @print_operation. It returns %NULL until either webkit_print_operation_set_page_setup() or webkit_print_operation_run_dialog() have been called. the current #GtkPageSetup of @print_operation. a #WebKitPrintOperation Return the current print settings of @print_operation. It returns %NULL until either webkit_print_operation_set_print_settings() or webkit_print_operation_run_dialog() have been called. the current #GtkPrintSettings of @print_operation. a #WebKitPrintOperation Start a print operation using current print settings and page setup without showing the print dialog. If either print settings or page setup are not set with webkit_print_operation_set_print_settings() and webkit_print_operation_set_page_setup(), the default options will be used and the print job will be sent to the default printer. The #WebKitPrintOperation::finished signal is emitted when the printing operation finishes. If an error occurs while printing the signal #WebKitPrintOperation::failed is emitted before #WebKitPrintOperation::finished. a #WebKitPrintOperation Run the print dialog and start printing using the options selected by the user. This method returns when the print dialog is closed. If the print dialog is cancelled %WEBKIT_PRINT_OPERATION_RESPONSE_CANCEL is returned. If the user clicks on the print button, %WEBKIT_PRINT_OPERATION_RESPONSE_PRINT is returned and the print operation starts. In this case, the #WebKitPrintOperation::finished signal is emitted when the operation finishes. If an error occurs while printing, the signal #WebKitPrintOperation::failed is emitted before #WebKitPrintOperation::finished. If the print dialog is not cancelled current print settings and page setup of @print_operation are updated with options selected by the user when Print button is pressed in print dialog. You can get the updated print settings and page setup by calling webkit_print_operation_get_print_settings() and webkit_print_operation_get_page_setup() after this method. the #WebKitPrintOperationResponse of the print dialog a #WebKitPrintOperation transient parent of the print dialog Set the current page setup of @print_operation. Current page setup is used for the initial values of the print dialog when webkit_print_operation_run_dialog() is called. a #WebKitPrintOperation a #GtkPageSetup to set Set the current print settings of @print_operation. Current print settings are used for the initial values of the print dialog when webkit_print_operation_run_dialog() is called. a #WebKitPrintOperation a #GtkPrintSettings to set The initial #GtkPageSetup for the print operation. The initial #GtkPrintSettings for the print operation. The #WebKitWebView that will be printed. Emitted when displaying the print dialog with webkit_print_operation_run_dialog(). The returned #WebKitPrintCustomWidget will be added to the print dialog and it will be owned by the @print_operation. However, the object is guaranteed to be alive until the #WebKitPrintCustomWidget::apply is emitted. A #WebKitPrintCustomWidget that will be embedded in the dialog. Emitted when an error occurs while printing. The given @error, of the domain %WEBKIT_PRINT_ERROR, contains further details of the failure. The #WebKitPrintOperation::finished signal is emitted after this one. the #GError that was triggered Emitted when the print operation has finished doing everything required for printing. Enum values representing the response of the print dialog shown with webkit_print_operation_run_dialog(). Print button was clicked in print dialog Print dialog was cancelled Enum values used for determining the #WebKitWebContext process model. Deprecated 2.26. Use one process for each #WebKitWebView, while still allowing for some of them to share a process in certain situations. The main advantage of this process model is that the rendering process for a web view can crash while the rest of the views keep working normally. This process model is indicated for applications which may use a number of web views and the content of in each must not interfere with the rest — for example a full-fledged web browser with support for multiple tabs. Return the #WebKitURIRequest associated with the response decision. Modifications to the returned object are <emphasis>not</emphasis> taken into account when the request is sent over the network, and is intended only to aid in evaluating whether a response decision should be taken or not. To modify requests before they are sent over the network the #WebKitPage::send-request signal can be used instead. The URI request that is associated with this policy decision. a #WebKitResponsePolicyDecision Gets the value of the #WebKitResponsePolicyDecision:response property. The URI response that is associated with this policy decision. a #WebKitResponsePolicyDecision Gets whether the MIME type of the response can be displayed in the #WebKitWebView that triggered this policy decision request. See also webkit_web_view_can_show_mime_type(). %TRUE if the MIME type of the response is supported or %FALSE otherwise a #WebKitResponsePolicyDecision This property contains the #WebKitURIRequest associated with this policy decision. This property contains the #WebKitURIResponse associated with this policy decision. Enum values to specify the different ways in which a #WebKitWebView can save its current web page into a self-contained file. Save the current page using the MHTML format. Close @dialog. When handling a #WebKitScriptDialog asynchronously (webkit_script_dialog_ref() was called in #WebKitWebView::script-dialog callback), this function needs to be called to notify that we are done with the script dialog. The dialog will be closed on destruction if this function hasn't been called before. a #WebKitScriptDialog This method is used for %WEBKIT_SCRIPT_DIALOG_CONFIRM and %WEBKIT_SCRIPT_DIALOG_BEFORE_UNLOAD_CONFIRM dialogs when #WebKitWebView::script-dialog signal is emitted to set whether the user confirmed the dialog or not. The default implementation of #WebKitWebView::script-dialog signal sets %TRUE when the OK or Stay buttons are clicked and %FALSE otherwise. It's an error to use this method with a #WebKitScriptDialog that is not of type %WEBKIT_SCRIPT_DIALOG_CONFIRM or %WEBKIT_SCRIPT_DIALOG_BEFORE_UNLOAD_CONFIRM a #WebKitScriptDialog whether user confirmed the dialog Get the dialog type of a #WebKitScriptDialog. the #WebKitScriptDialogType of @dialog a #WebKitScriptDialog Get the message of a #WebKitScriptDialog. the message of @dialog. a #WebKitScriptDialog Get the default text of a #WebKitScriptDialog of type %WEBKIT_SCRIPT_DIALOG_PROMPT. It's an error to use this method with a #WebKitScriptDialog that is not of type %WEBKIT_SCRIPT_DIALOG_PROMPT. the default text of @dialog a #WebKitScriptDialog This method is used for %WEBKIT_SCRIPT_DIALOG_PROMPT dialogs when #WebKitWebView::script-dialog signal is emitted to set the text entered by the user. The default implementation of #WebKitWebView::script-dialog signal sets the text of the entry form when OK button is clicked, otherwise %NULL is set. It's an error to use this method with a #WebKitScriptDialog that is not of type %WEBKIT_SCRIPT_DIALOG_PROMPT. a #WebKitScriptDialog the text to set Atomically increments the reference count of @dialog by one. This function is MT-safe and may be called from any thread. The passed in #WebKitScriptDialog a #WebKitScriptDialog Atomically decrements the reference count of @dialog by one. If the reference count drops to 0, all memory allocated by the #WebKitScriptdialog is released. This function is MT-safe and may be called from any thread. a #WebKitScriptDialog Enum values used for determining the type of #WebKitScriptDialog Alert script dialog, used to show a message to the user. Confirm script dialog, used to ask confirmation to the user. Prompt script dialog, used to ask information to the user. Before unload confirm dialog, used to ask confirmation to leave the current page to the user. Since 2.12 Register @scheme as a CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) enabled scheme. This means that CORS requests are allowed. See W3C CORS specification a #WebKitSecurityManager a URI scheme Register @scheme as a display isolated scheme. This means that pages cannot display these URIs unless they are from the same scheme. a #WebKitSecurityManager a URI scheme Register @scheme as an empty document scheme. This means that they are allowed to commit synchronously. a #WebKitSecurityManager a URI scheme Register @scheme as a local scheme. This means that other non-local pages cannot link to or access URIs of this scheme. a #WebKitSecurityManager a URI scheme Register @scheme as a no-access scheme. This means that pages loaded with this URI scheme cannot access pages loaded with any other URI scheme. a #WebKitSecurityManager a URI scheme Register @scheme as a secure scheme. This means that mixed content warnings won't be generated for this scheme when included by an HTTPS page. a #WebKitSecurityManager a URI scheme Whether @scheme is considered as a CORS enabled scheme. See also webkit_security_manager_register_uri_scheme_as_cors_enabled(). %TRUE if @scheme is a CORS enabled scheme or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSecurityManager a URI scheme Whether @scheme is considered as a display isolated scheme. See also webkit_security_manager_register_uri_scheme_as_display_isolated(). %TRUE if @scheme is a display isolated scheme or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSecurityManager a URI scheme Whether @scheme is considered as an empty document scheme. See also webkit_security_manager_register_uri_scheme_as_empty_document(). %TRUE if @scheme is an empty document scheme or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSecurityManager a URI scheme Whether @scheme is considered as a local scheme. See also webkit_security_manager_register_uri_scheme_as_local(). %TRUE if @scheme is a local scheme or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSecurityManager a URI scheme Whether @scheme is considered as a no-access scheme. See also webkit_security_manager_register_uri_scheme_as_no_access(). %TRUE if @scheme is a no-access scheme or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSecurityManager a URI scheme Whether @scheme is considered as a secure scheme. See also webkit_security_manager_register_uri_scheme_as_secure(). %TRUE if @scheme is a secure scheme or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSecurityManager a URI scheme Create a new security origin from the provided protocol, host and port. A #WebKitSecurityOrigin. The protocol for the new origin The host for the new origin The port number for the new origin, or 0 to indicate the default port for @protocol Create a new security origin from the provided URI. Components of @uri other than protocol, host, and port do not affect the created #WebKitSecurityOrigin. A #WebKitSecurityOrigin. The URI for the new origin Gets the hostname of @origin, or %NULL if @origin is opaque or if its protocol does not require a host component. The host of the #WebKitSecurityOrigin a #WebKitSecurityOrigin Gets the port of @origin. This function will always return 0 if the port is the default port for the given protocol. For example, has the same security origin as, and this function will return 0 for a #WebKitSecurityOrigin constructed from either URI. It will also return 0 if @origin is opaque. The port of the #WebKitSecurityOrigin. a #WebKitSecurityOrigin Gets the protocol of @origin, or %NULL if @origin is opaque. The protocol of the #WebKitSecurityOrigin a #WebKitSecurityOrigin Gets whether @origin is an opaque security origin, which does not possess an associated protocol, host, or port. %TRUE if @origin is opaque. a #WebKitSecurityOrigin Atomically increments the reference count of @origin by one. This function is MT-safe and may be called from any thread. The passed #WebKitSecurityOrigin a #WebKitSecurityOrigin Gets a string representation of @origin. The string representation is a valid URI with only protocol, host, and port components. It may be %NULL, but usually only if @origin is opaque. a URI representing @origin. a #WebKitSecurityOrigin Atomically decrements the reference count of @origin by one. If the reference count drops to 0, all memory allocated by #WebKitSecurityOrigin is released. This function is MT-safe and may be called from any thread. A #WebKitSecurityOrigin Creates a new #WebKitSettings instance with default values. It must be manually attached to a #WebKitWebView. See also webkit_settings_new_with_settings(). a new #WebKitSettings instance. Creates a new #WebKitSettings instance with the given settings. It must be manually attached to a #WebKitWebView. a new #WebKitSettings instance. name of first setting to set value of first setting, followed by more settings, %NULL-terminated Convert @points to the equivalent value in pixels, based on the current screen DPI. Applications can use this function to convert font size values in points to font size values in pixels when setting the font size properties of #WebKitSettings. the equivalent font size in pixels. the font size in points to convert to pixels Convert @pixels to the equivalent value in points, based on the current screen DPI. Applications can use this function to convert font size values in pixels to font size values in points when getting the font size properties of #WebKitSettings. the equivalent font size in points. the font size in pixels to convert to points Get the #WebKitSettings:allow-file-access-from-file-urls property. %TRUE If file access from file URLs is allowed or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:allow-modal-dialogs property. %TRUE if it's allowed to create and run modal dialogs or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:allow-universal-access-from-file-urls property. %TRUE If universal access from file URLs is allowed or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:auto-load-images property. %TRUE If auto loading of images is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Gets the #WebKitSettings:cursive-font-family property. The default font family used to display content marked with cursive font. a #WebKitSettings Gets the #WebKitSettings:default-charset property. Default charset. a #WebKitSettings Gets the #WebKitSettings:default-font-size property. The default font size, in pixels. a #WebKitSettings Gets the #WebKitSettings:default-monospace-font-size property. Default monospace font size, in pixels. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:draw-compositing-indicators property. %TRUE If compositing borders are drawn or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-accelerated-2d-canvas property. %TRUE if accelerated 2D canvas is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-back-forward-navigation-gestures property. %TRUE if horizontal swipe gesture will trigger back-forward navigaiton or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-caret-browsing property. %TRUE If caret browsing is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-developer-extras property. %TRUE If developer extras is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-dns-prefetching property. %TRUE If DNS prefetching is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-encrypted-media property. %TRUE if EncryptedMedia support is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-frame-flattening property. %TRUE If frame flattening is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-fullscreen property. %TRUE If fullscreen support is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-html5-database property. %TRUE if IndexedDB support is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-html5-local-storage property. %TRUE If HTML5 local storage support is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-hyperlink-auditing property. %TRUE If hyper link auditing is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-java property. %TRUE If Java is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-javascript property. %TRUE If JavaScript is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-javascript-markup property. %TRUE if JavaScript markup is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-media property. %TRUE if media support is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-media-capabilities property. %TRUE if MediaCapabilities support is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-media-stream property. %TRUE If mediastream support is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-mediasource property. %TRUE If MediaSource support is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-mock-capture-devices property. %TRUE If mock capture devices is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-offline-web-application-cache property. %TRUE If HTML5 offline web application cache support is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-page-cache property. %TRUE if page cache enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-plugins property. %TRUE If plugins are enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-private-browsing property. Use #WebKitWebView:is-ephemeral or #WebKitWebContext:is-ephemeral instead. %TRUE If private browsing is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-resizable-text-areas property. %TRUE If text areas can be resized or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-site-specific-quirks property. %TRUE if site specific quirks are enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-smooth-scrolling property. %TRUE if smooth scrolling is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-spatial-navigation property. %TRUE If HTML5 spatial navigation support is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-tabs-to-links property. %TRUE If tabs to link is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-webaudio property. %TRUE If webaudio support is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-webgl property. %TRUE If WebGL support is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-write-console-messages-to-stdout property. %TRUE if writing console messages to stdout is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:enable-xss-auditor property. %TRUE If XSS auditing is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Gets the #WebKitSettings:fantasy-font-family property. The default font family used to display content marked with fantasy font. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:hardware-acceleration-policy property. a #WebKitHardwareAccelerationPolicy a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:javascript-can-access-clipboard property. %TRUE If javascript-can-access-clipboard is enabled or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:javascript-can-open-windows-automatically property. %TRUE If JavaScript can open window automatically or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:load-icons-ignoring-image-load-setting property. %TRUE If site icon can be loaded irrespective of image loading preference or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:media-playback-allows-inline property. %TRUE If inline playback is allowed for media or %FALSE if only fullscreen playback is allowed. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:media-playback-requires-user-gesture property. %TRUE If an user gesture is needed to play or load media or %FALSE if no user gesture is needed. a #WebKitSettings Gets the #WebKitSettings:minimum-font-size property. Minimum font size, in pixels. a #WebKitSettings Gets the #WebKitSettings:monospace-font-family property. Default font family used to display content marked with monospace font. a #WebKitSettings Gets the #WebKitSettings:pictograph-font-family property. The default font family used to display content marked with pictograph font. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:print-backgrounds property. %TRUE If background images should be printed or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitSettings Gets the #WebKitSettings:sans-serif-font-family property. The default font family used to display content marked with sans-serif font. a #WebKitSettings Gets the #WebKitSettings:serif-font-family property. The default font family used to display content marked with serif font. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:user-agent property. The current value of the user-agent property. a #WebKitSettings Get the #WebKitSettings:zoom-text-only property. %TRUE If zoom level of the view should only affect the text or %FALSE if all view contents should be scaled. a #WebKitSettings Set the #WebKitSettings:allow-file-access-from-file-urls property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:allow-modal-dialogs property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:allow-universal-access-from-file-urls property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:auto-load-images property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:cursive-font-family property. a #WebKitSettings the new default cursive font family Set the #WebKitSettings:default-charset property. a #WebKitSettings default charset to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:default-font-family property. a #WebKitSettings the new default font family Set the #WebKitSettings:default-font-size property. a #WebKitSettings default font size to be set in pixels Set the #WebKitSettings:default-monospace-font-size property. a #WebKitSettings default monospace font size to be set in pixels Set the #WebKitSettings:draw-compositing-indicators property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-accelerated-2d-canvas property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-back-forward-navigation-gestures property. a #WebKitSettings value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-caret-browsing property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-developer-extras property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-dns-prefetching property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-encrypted-media property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-frame-flattening property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-fullscreen property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-html5-database property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-html5-local-storage property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-hyperlink-auditing property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-java property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-javascript property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-javascript-markup property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-media property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-media-capabilities property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-media-stream property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-mediasource property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-mock-capture-devices property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-offline-web-application-cache property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-page-cache property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-plugins property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-private-browsing property. Use #WebKitWebView:is-ephemeral or #WebKitWebContext:is-ephemeral instead. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-resizable-text-areas property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-site-specific-quirks property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-smooth-scrolling property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-spatial-navigation property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-tabs-to-links property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-webaudio property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-webgl property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-write-console-messages-to-stdout property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:enable-xss-auditor property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:fantasy-font-family property. a #WebKitSettings the new default fantasy font family Set the #WebKitSettings:hardware-acceleration-policy property. a #WebKitSettings a #WebKitHardwareAccelerationPolicy Set the #WebKitSettings:javascript-can-access-clipboard property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:javascript-can-open-windows-automatically property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:load-icons-ignoring-image-load-setting property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:media-playback-allows-inline property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:media-playback-requires-user-gesture property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:minimum-font-size property. a #WebKitSettings minimum font size to be set in pixels Set the #WebKitSettings:monospace-font-family property. a #WebKitSettings the new default monospace font family Set the #WebKitSettings:pictograph-font-family property. a #WebKitSettings the new default pictograph font family Set the #WebKitSettings:print-backgrounds property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Set the #WebKitSettings:sans-serif-font-family property. a #WebKitSettings the new default sans-serif font family Set the #WebKitSettings:serif-font-family property. a #WebKitSettings the new default serif font family Set the #WebKitSettings:user-agent property. a #WebKitSettings The new custom user agent string or %NULL to use the default user agent Set the #WebKitSettings:user-agent property by appending the application details to the default user agent. If no application name or version is given, the default user agent used will be used. If only the version is given, the default engine version is used with the given application name. a #WebKitSettings The application name used for the user agent or %NULL to use the default user agent. The application version for the user agent or %NULL to user the default version. Set the #WebKitSettings:zoom-text-only property. a #WebKitSettings Value to be set Whether file access is allowed from file URLs. By default, when something is loaded in a #WebKitWebView using a file URI, cross origin requests to other file resources are not allowed. This setting allows you to change that behaviour, so that it would be possible to do a XMLHttpRequest of a local file, for example. Determine whether it's allowed to create and run modal dialogs from a #WebKitWebView through JavaScript with <function>window.showModalDialog</function>. If it's set to %FALSE, the associated #WebKitWebView won't be able to create new modal dialogs, so not even the #WebKitWebView::create signal will be emitted. Whether or not JavaScript running in the context of a file scheme URL should be allowed to access content from any origin. By default, when something is loaded in a #WebKitWebView using a file scheme URL, access to the local file system and arbitrary local storage is not allowed. This setting allows you to change that behaviour, so that it would be possible to use local storage, for example. Determines whether images should be automatically loaded or not. On devices where network bandwidth is of concern, it might be useful to turn this property off. The font family used as the default for content using a cursive font. The default text charset used when interpreting content with an unspecified charset. The font family to use as the default for content that does not specify a font. The default font size in pixels to use for content displayed if no font size is specified. The default font size in pixels to use for content displayed in monospace font if no font size is specified. Whether to draw compositing borders and repaint counters on layers drawn with accelerated compositing. This is useful for debugging issues related to web content that is composited with the GPU. Enable or disable accelerated 2D canvas. Accelerated 2D canvas is only available if WebKit was compiled with a version of Cairo including the unstable CairoGL API. When accelerated 2D canvas is enabled, WebKit may render some 2D canvas content using hardware accelerated drawing operations. Enable or disable horizontal swipe gesture for back-forward navigation. Whether to enable accessibility enhanced keyboard navigation. Determines whether or not developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, are enabled. Determines whether or not to prefetch domain names. DNS prefetching attempts to resolve domain names before a user tries to follow a link. Enable or disable support for Encrypted Media API on pages. EncryptedMedia is an experimental JavaScript API for playing encrypted media in HTML. This property will only work as intended if the EncryptedMedia feature is enabled at build time with the ENABLE_ENCRYPTED_MEDIA flag. See Whether to enable the frame flattening. With this setting each subframe is expanded to its contents, which will flatten all the frames to become one scrollable page. On touch devices scrollable subframes on a page can result in a confusing user experience. Whether to enable the Javascript Fullscreen API. The API allows any HTML element to request fullscreen display. See also the current draft of the spec: Whether to enable HTML5 client-side SQL database support (IndexedDB). Whether to enable HTML5 local storage support. Local storage provides simple synchronous storage access. HTML5 local storage specification is available at Determines whether or not hyperlink auditing is enabled. The hyperlink auditing specification is available at Determines whether or not Java is enabled on the page. Determines whether or not JavaScript executes within a page. Determines whether or not JavaScript markup is allowed in document. When this setting is disabled, all JavaScript-related elements and attributes are removed from the document during parsing. Note that executing JavaScript is still allowed if #WebKitSettings:enable-javascript is %TRUE. Enable or disable support for media playback on pages. This setting is enabled by default. Disabling it means `<audio>`, `<track>` and `<video>` elements will have playback support disabled. Enable or disable support for MediaCapabilities on pages. This specification intends to provide APIs to allow websites to make an optimal decision when picking media content for the user. The APIs will expose information about the decoding and encoding capabilities for a given format but also output capabilities to find the best match based on the device’s display. See also Enable or disable support for MediaStream on pages. MediaStream is an experimental proposal for allowing web pages to access audio and video devices for capture. See also Enable or disable support for MediaSource on pages. MediaSource extends HTMLMediaElement to allow JavaScript to generate media streams for playback. See also Enable or disable the Mock Capture Devices. Those are fake Microphone and Camera devices to be used as MediaStream sources. Whether to enable HTML5 offline web application cache support. Offline web application cache allows web applications to run even when the user is not connected to the network. HTML5 offline web application specification is available at Enable or disable the page cache. Disabling the page cache is generally only useful for special circumstances like low-memory scenarios or special purpose applications like static HTML viewers. This setting only controls the Page Cache, this cache is different than the disk-based or memory-based traditional resource caches, its point is to make going back and forth between pages much faster. For details about the different types of caches and their purposes see: Determines whether or not plugins on the page are enabled. Determines whether or not private browsing is enabled. Private browsing will disable history, cache and form auto-fill for any pages visited. Use #WebKitWebView:is-ephemeral or #WebKitWebsiteDataManager:is-ephemeral instead. Determines whether or not text areas can be resized. Whether to turn on site-specific quirks. Turning this on will tell WebKit to use some site-specific workarounds for better web compatibility. For example, older versions of MediaWiki will incorrectly send to WebKit a CSS file with KHTML workarounds. By turning on site-specific quirks, WebKit will special-case this and other cases to make some specific sites work. Enable or disable smooth scrolling. Whether to enable Spatial Navigation. This feature consists in the ability to navigate between focusable elements in a Web page, such as hyperlinks and form controls, by using Left, Right, Up and Down arrow keys. For example, if an user presses the Right key, heuristics determine whether there is an element they might be trying to reach towards the right, and if there are multiple elements, which element they probably wants. Determines whether the tab key cycles through the elements on the page. When this setting is enabled, users will be able to focus the next element in the page by pressing the tab key. If the selected element is editable, then pressing tab key will insert the tab character. Enable or disable support for WebAudio on pages. WebAudio is an experimental proposal for allowing web pages to generate Audio WAVE data from JavaScript. The standard is currently a work-in-progress by the W3C Audio Working Group. See also Enable or disable support for WebGL on pages. WebGL is an experimental proposal for allowing web pages to use OpenGL ES-like calls directly. The standard is currently a work-in-progress by the Khronos Group. Enable or disable writing console messages to stdout. These are messages sent to the console with console.log and related methods. Whether to enable the XSS auditor. This feature filters some kinds of reflective XSS attacks on vulnerable web sites. The font family used as the default for content using a fantasy font. The #WebKitHardwareAccelerationPolicy to decide how to enable and disable hardware acceleration. The default value %WEBKIT_HARDWARE_ACCELERATION_POLICY_ON_DEMAND enables the hardware acceleration when the web contents request it, disabling it again when no longer needed. It's possible to enforce hardware acceleration to be always enabled by using %WEBKIT_HARDWARE_ACCELERATION_POLICY_ALWAYS. And it's also possible to disable it completely using %WEBKIT_HARDWARE_ACCELERATION_POLICY_NEVER. Note that disabling hardware acceleration might cause some websites to not render correctly or consume more CPU. Note that changing this setting might not be possible if hardware acceleration is not supported by the hardware or the system. In that case you can get the value to know the actual policy being used, but changing the setting will not have any effect. Whether JavaScript can access the clipboard. The default value is %FALSE. If set to %TRUE, document.execCommand() allows cut, copy and paste commands. Whether JavaScript can open popup windows automatically without user intervention. Determines whether a site can load favicons irrespective of the value of #WebKitSettings:auto-load-images. Whether media playback is full-screen only or inline playback is allowed. This is %TRUE by default, so media playback can be inline. Setting it to %FALSE allows specifying that media playback should be always fullscreen. Whether a user gesture (such as clicking the play button) would be required to start media playback or load media. This is off by default, so media playback could start automatically. Setting it on requires a gesture by the user to start playback, or to load the media. The minimum font size in pixels used to display text. This setting controls the absolute smallest size. Values other than 0 can potentially break page layouts. The font family used as the default for content using a monospace font. The font family used as the default for content using a pictograph font. Whether background images should be drawn during printing. The font family used as the default for content using a sans-serif font. The font family used as the default for content using a serif font. The user-agent string used by WebKit. Unusual user-agent strings may cause web content to render incorrectly or fail to run, as many web pages are written to parse the user-agent strings of only the most popular browsers. Therefore, it's typically better to not completely override the standard user-agent, but to use webkit_settings_set_user_agent_with_application_details() instead. If this property is set to the empty string or %NULL, it will revert to the standard user-agent. Whether #WebKitWebView:zoom-level affects only the text of the page or all the contents. Other contents containing text like form controls will be also affected by zoom factor when this property is enabled. Enum values used to denote errors happening when creating snapshots of #WebKitWebView An error occurred when creating a webpage snapshot. Enum values used to specify options when taking a snapshot from a #WebKitWebView. Do not include any special options. Whether to include in the snapshot the highlight of the selected content. Do not fill the background with white before rendering the snapshot. Since 2.8 Enum values used to specify the region from which to get a #WebKitWebView snapshot Specifies a snapshot only for the area that is visible in the webview A snapshot of the entire document. Enum values used to denote the TLS errors policy. Ignore TLS errors. TLS errors will emit #WebKitWebView::load-failed-with-tls-errors and, if the signal is handled, finish the load. In case the signal is not handled, #WebKitWebView::load-failed is emitted before the load finishes. Creates a new #WebKitURIRequest for the given URI. a new #WebKitURIRequest an URI Get the HTTP headers of a #WebKitURIRequest as a #SoupMessageHeaders. a #SoupMessageHeaders with the HTTP headers of @request or %NULL if @request is not an HTTP request. a #WebKitURIRequest Get the HTTP method of the #WebKitURIRequest. the HTTP method of the #WebKitURIRequest or %NULL if @request is not an HTTP request. a #WebKitURIRequest the uri of the #WebKitURIRequest a #WebKitURIRequest Set the URI of @request a #WebKitURIRequest an URI The URI to which the request will be made. Get the expected content length of the #WebKitURIResponse. It can be 0 if the server provided an incorrect or missing Content-Length. the expected content length of @response. a #WebKitURIResponse Get the HTTP headers of a #WebKitURIResponse as a #SoupMessageHeaders. a #SoupMessageHeaders with the HTTP headers of @response or %NULL if @response is not an HTTP response. a #WebKitURIResponse the MIME type of the #WebKitURIResponse a #WebKitURIResponse Get the status code of the #WebKitURIResponse as returned by the server. It will normally be a #SoupKnownStatusCode, for example %SOUP_STATUS_OK, though the server can respond with any unsigned integer. the status code of @response a #WebKitURIResponse Get the suggested filename for @response, as specified by the 'Content-Disposition' HTTP header, or %NULL if it's not present. the suggested filename or %NULL if the 'Content-Disposition' HTTP header is not present. a #WebKitURIResponse the uri of the #WebKitURIResponse a #WebKitURIResponse The expected content length of the response. The HTTP headers of the response, or %NULL if the response is not an HTTP response. The MIME type of the response. The status code of the response as returned by the server. The suggested filename for the URI response. The URI for which the response was made. Finish a #WebKitURISchemeRequest by setting the contents of the request and its mime type. a #WebKitURISchemeRequest a #GInputStream to read the contents of the request the length of the stream or -1 if not known the content type of the stream or %NULL if not known Finish a #WebKitURISchemeRequest with a #GError. a #WebKitURISchemeRequest a #GError that will be passed to the #WebKitWebView Get the URI path of @request the URI path of @request a #WebKitURISchemeRequest Get the URI scheme of @request the URI scheme of @request a #WebKitURISchemeRequest Get the URI of @request the full URI of @request a #WebKitURISchemeRequest Get the #WebKitWebView that initiated the request. the #WebKitWebView that initiated @request. a #WebKitURISchemeRequest Type definition for a function that will be called back when an URI request is made for a user registered URI scheme. the #WebKitURISchemeRequest user data passed to the callback Obtain the identifier previously used to save the @user_content_filter in the #WebKitUserContentFilterStore. the identifier for the filter A #WebKitUserContentFilter Atomically increments the reference count of @user_content_filter by one. This function is MT-safe and may be called from any thread. A #WebKitUserContentFilter Atomically decrements the reference count of @user_content_filter by one. If the reference count drops to 0, all the memory allocated by the #WebKitUserContentFilter is released. This function is MT-safe and may be called from any thread. A #WebKitUserContentFilter The JSON source for a content filter is invalid. The requested content filter could not be found. Create a new #WebKitUserContentFilterStore to manipulate filters stored at @storage_path. The path must point to a local filesystem, and will be created if needed. a newly created #WebKitUserContentFilterStore path where data for filters will be stored on disk Asynchronously retrieve a list of the identifiers for all the stored filters. When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked, which then can use webkit_user_content_filter_store_fetch_identifiers_finish() to obtain the list of filter identifiers. a #WebKitUserContentFilterStore a #GCancellable or %NULL to ignore a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the removal is completed the data to pass to the callback function Finishes an asynchronous fetch of the list of identifiers for the stored filters previously started with webkit_user_content_filter_store_fetch_identifiers(). a %NULL-terminated list of filter identifiers. a #WebKitUserContentFilterStore a #GAsyncResult The storage path for user content filters. a #WebKitUserContentFilterStore Asynchronously load a content filter given its @identifier. The filter must have been previously stored using webkit_user_content_filter_store_save(). When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked, which then can use webkit_user_content_filter_store_load_finish() to obtain the resulting filter. a #WebKitUserContentFilterStore a filter identifier a #GCancellable or %NULL to ignore a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the load is completed the data to pass to the callback function Finishes an asynchronous filter load previously started with webkit_user_content_filter_store_load(). a #WebKitUserContentFilter, or %NULL if the load failed a #WebKitUserContentFilterStore a #GAsyncResult Asynchronously remove a content filter given its @identifier. When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked, which then can use webkit_user_content_filter_store_remove_finish() to check whether the removal was successful. a #WebKitUserContentFilterStore a filter identifier a #GCancellable or %NULL to ignore a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the removal is completed the data to pass to the callback function Finishes an asynchronous filter removal previously started with webkit_user_content_filter_store_remove(). whether the removal was successful a #WebKitUserContentFilterStore a #GAsyncResult Asynchronously save a content filter from a source rule set in the [WebKit content extesions JSON format]( The @identifier can be used afterwards to refer to the filter when using webkit_user_content_filter_store_remove() and webkit_user_content_filter_store_load(). When the @identifier has been used in the past, the new filter source will replace the one saved beforehand for the same identifier. When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked, which then can use webkit_user_content_filter_store_save_finish() to obtain the resulting filter. a #WebKitUserContentFilterStore a string used to identify the saved filter #GBytes containing the rule set in JSON format a #GCancellable or %NULL to ignore a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when saving is completed the data to pass to the callback function Finishes an asynchronous filter save previously started with webkit_user_content_filter_store_save(). a #WebKitUserContentFilter, or %NULL if saving failed a #WebKitUserContentFilterStore a #GAsyncResult Asynchronously save a content filter from the contents of a file, which must be native to the platform, as checked by g_file_is_native(). See webkit_user_content_filter_store_save() for more details. When the operation is finished, @callback will be invoked, which then can use webkit_user_content_filter_store_save_finish() to obtain the resulting filter. a #WebKitUserContentFilterStore a string used to identify the saved filter a #GFile containing the rule set in JSON format a #GCancellable or %NULL to ignore a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when saving is completed the data to pass to the callback function Finishes and asynchronous filter save previously started with webkit_user_content_filter_store_save_from_file(). a #WebKitUserContentFilter, or %NULL if saving failed. a #WebKitUserContentFilterStore a #GAsyncResult The directory used for filter storage. This path is used as the base directory where user content filters are stored on disk. Specifies in which frames user style sheets are to be inserted in. Insert the user style sheet in all the frames loaded by the web view, including nested frames. This is the default. Insert the user style sheet *only* in the top-level frame loaded by the web view, and *not* in the nested frames. Creates a new user content manager. A #WebKitUserContentManager Adds a #WebKitUserContentFilter to the given #WebKitUserContentManager. The same #WebKitUserContentFilter can be reused with multiple #WebKitUserContentManager instances. Filters need to be saved and loaded from #WebKitUserContentFilterStore. A #WebKitUserContentManager A #WebKitUserContentFilter Adds a #WebKitUserScript to the given #WebKitUserContentManager. The same #WebKitUserScript can be reused with multiple #WebKitUserContentManager instances. A #WebKitUserContentManager A #WebKitUserScript Adds a #WebKitUserStyleSheet to the given #WebKitUserContentManager. The same #WebKitUserStyleSheet can be reused with multiple #WebKitUserContentManager instances. A #WebKitUserContentManager A #WebKitUserStyleSheet Registers a new user script message handler. After it is registered, scripts can use `window.webkit.messageHandlers.&lt;name&gt;.postMessage(value)` to send messages. Those messages are received by connecting handlers to the #WebKitUserContentManager::script-message-received signal. The handler name is used as the detail of the signal. To avoid race conditions between registering the handler name, and starting to receive the signals, it is recommended to connect to the signal *before* registering the handler name: <informalexample><programlisting> WebKitWebView *view = webkit_web_view_new (); WebKitUserContentManager *manager = webkit_web_view_get_user_content_manager (); g_signal_connect (manager, "script-message-received::foobar", G_CALLBACK (handle_script_message), NULL); webkit_user_content_manager_register_script_message_handler (manager, "foobar"); </programlisting></informalexample> Registering a script message handler will fail if the requested name has been already registered before. %TRUE if message handler was registered successfully, or %FALSE otherwise. A #WebKitUserContentManager Name of the script message channel Registers a new user script message handler in script world with name @world_name. See webkit_user_content_manager_register_script_message_handler() for full description. Registering a script message handler will fail if the requested name has been already registered before. %TRUE if message handler was registered successfully, or %FALSE otherwise. A #WebKitUserContentManager Name of the script message channel the name of a #WebKitScriptWorld Removes all content filters from the given #WebKitUserContentManager. A #WebKitUserContentManager Removes all user scripts from the given #WebKitUserContentManager A #WebKitUserContentManager Removes all user style sheets from the given #WebKitUserContentManager. A #WebKitUserContentManager Removes a filter from the given #WebKitUserContentManager. Since 2.24 A #WebKitUserContentManager A #WebKitUserContentFilter Removes a filter from the given #WebKitUserContentManager given the identifier of a #WebKitUserContentFilter as returned by webkit_user_content_filter_get_identifier(). A #WebKitUserContentManager Filter identifier Unregisters a previously registered message handler. Note that this does *not* disconnect handlers for the #WebKitUserContentManager::script-message-received signal; they will be kept connected, but the signal will not be emitted unless the handler name is registered again. See also webkit_user_content_manager_register_script_message_handler(). A #WebKitUserContentManager Name of the script message channel Unregisters a previously registered message handler in script world with name @world_name. Note that this does *not* disconnect handlers for the #WebKitUserContentManager::script-message-received signal; they will be kept connected, but the signal will not be emitted unless the handler name is registered again. See also webkit_user_content_manager_register_script_message_handler_in_world(). A #WebKitUserContentManager Name of the script message channel the name of a #WebKitScriptWorld This signal is emitted when JavaScript in a web view calls <code>window.webkit.messageHandlers.&lt;name&gt;.postMessage()</code>, after registering <code>&lt;name&gt;</code> using webkit_user_content_manager_register_script_message_handler() the #WebKitJavascriptResult holding the value received from the JavaScript world. Creates a new user script. Scripts can be applied to some URIs only by passing non-null values for @whitelist or @blacklist. Passing a %NULL whitelist implies that all URIs are on the whitelist. The script is applied if an URI matches the whitelist and not the blacklist. URI patterns must be of the form `[protocol]://[host]/[path]`, where the *host* and *path* components can contain the wildcard character (`*`) to represent zero or more other characters. A new #WebKitUserScript Source code of the user script. A #WebKitUserContentInjectedFrames value A #WebKitUserScriptInjectionTime value A whitelist of URI patterns or %NULL A blacklist of URI patterns or %NULL Creates a new user script for script world with name @world_name. See webkit_user_script_new() for a full description. A new #WebKitUserScript Source code of the user script. A #WebKitUserContentInjectedFrames value A #WebKitUserScriptInjectionTime value the name of a #WebKitScriptWorld A whitelist of URI patterns or %NULL A blacklist of URI patterns or %NULL Atomically increments the reference count of @user_script by one. This function is MT-safe and may be called from any thread. The passed #WebKitUserScript a #WebKitUserScript Atomically decrements the reference count of @user_script by one. If the reference count drops to 0, all memory allocated by #WebKitUserScript is released. This function is MT-safe and may be called from any thread. a #WebKitUserScript Specifies at which place of documents an user script will be inserted. Insert the code of the user script at the beginning of loaded documents. This is the default. Insert the code of the user script at the end of the loaded documents. Specifies how to treat an user style sheet. The style sheet is an user style sheet, its contents always override other style sheets. This is the default. The style sheet will be treated as if it was provided by the loaded documents. That means other user style sheets may still override it. Creates a new user style sheet. Style sheets can be applied to some URIs only by passing non-null values for @whitelist or @blacklist. Passing a %NULL whitelist implies that all URIs are on the whitelist. The style sheet is applied if an URI matches the whitelist and not the blacklist. URI patterns must be of the form `[protocol]://[host]/[path]`, where the *host* and *path* components can contain the wildcard character (`*`) to represent zero or more other characters. A new #WebKitUserStyleSheet Source code of the user style sheet. A #WebKitUserContentInjectedFrames value A #WebKitUserStyleLevel A whitelist of URI patterns or %NULL A blacklist of URI patterns or %NULL Creates a new user style sheet for script world with name @world_name. See webkit_user_style_sheet_new() for a full description. A new #WebKitUserStyleSheet Source code of the user style sheet. A #WebKitUserContentInjectedFrames value A #WebKitUserStyleLevel the name of a #WebKitScriptWorld A whitelist of URI patterns or %NULL A blacklist of URI patterns or %NULL Atomically increments the reference count of @user_style_sheet by one. This function is MT-safe and may be called from any thread. The passed #WebKitUserStyleSheet a #WebKitUserStyleSheet Atomically decrements the reference count of @user_style_sheet by one. If the reference count drops to 0, all memory allocated by #WebKitUserStyleSheet is released. This function is MT-safe and may be called from any thread. a #WebKitUserStyleSheet Create a new #WebKitWebContext a newly created #WebKitWebContext Create a new ephemeral #WebKitWebContext. An ephemeral #WebKitWebContext is a context created with an ephemeral #WebKitWebsiteDataManager. This is just a convenient method to create ephemeral contexts without having to create your own #WebKitWebsiteDataManager. All #WebKitWebView<!-- -->s associated with this context will also be ephemeral. Websites will not store any data in the client storage. This is normally used to implement private instances. a new ephemeral #WebKitWebContext. Create a new #WebKitWebContext with a #WebKitWebsiteDataManager. a newly created #WebKitWebContext a #WebKitWebsiteDataManager Gets the default web context a #WebKitWebContext Adds a path to be mounted in the sandbox. @path must exist before any web process has been created otherwise it will be silently ignored. It is a fatal error to add paths after a web process has been spawned. Paths in directories such as `/sys`, `/proc`, and `/dev` or all of `/` are not valid. See also webkit_web_context_set_sandbox_enabled() a #WebKitWebContext an absolute path to mount in the sandbox if %TRUE the path will be read-only Ignore further TLS errors on the @host for the certificate present in @info. a #WebKitWebContext a #GTlsCertificate the host for which a certificate is to be allowed Clears all resources currently cached. See also webkit_web_context_set_cache_model(). a #WebKitWebContext Requests downloading of the specified URI string. The download operation will not be associated to any #WebKitWebView, if you are interested in starting a download from a particular #WebKitWebView use webkit_web_view_download_uri() instead. a new #WebKitDownload representing the download operation. a #WebKitWebContext the URI to download Returns the current cache model. For more information about this value check the documentation of the function webkit_web_context_set_cache_model(). the current #WebKitCacheModel the #WebKitWebContext Get the #WebKitCookieManager of the @context's #WebKitWebsiteDataManager. the #WebKitCookieManager of @context. a #WebKitWebContext Get the #WebKitFaviconDatabase associated with @context. To initialize the database you need to call webkit_web_context_set_favicon_database_directory(). the #WebKitFaviconDatabase of @context. a #WebKitWebContext Get the directory path being used to store the favicons database for @context, or %NULL if webkit_web_context_set_favicon_database_directory() hasn't been called yet. This function will always return the same path after having called webkit_web_context_set_favicon_database_directory() for the first time. the path of the directory of the favicons database associated with @context, or %NULL. a #WebKitWebContext Get the #WebKitGeolocationManager of @context. the #WebKitGeolocationManager of @context. a #WebKitWebContext Asynchronously get the list of installed plugins. When the operation is finished, @callback will be called. You can then call webkit_web_context_get_plugins_finish() to get the result of the operation. a #WebKitWebContext a #GCancellable or %NULL to ignore a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied the data to pass to callback function Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_web_context_get_plugins. a #GList of #WebKitPlugin. You must free the #GList with g_list_free() and unref the #WebKitPlugin<!-- -->s with g_object_unref() when you're done with them. a #WebKitWebContext a #GAsyncResult Returns the current process model. For more information about this value see webkit_web_context_set_process_model(). the current #WebKitProcessModel the #WebKitWebContext Get whether sandboxing is currently enabled. %TRUE if sandboxing is enabled, or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitWebContext Get the #WebKitSecurityManager of @context. the #WebKitSecurityManager of @context. a #WebKitWebContext Get whether spell checking feature is currently enabled. %TRUE If spell checking is enabled, or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitWebContext Get the the list of spell checking languages associated with @context, or %NULL if no languages have been previously set. See webkit_web_context_set_spell_checking_languages() for more details on the format of the languages in the list. A %NULL-terminated array of languages if available, or %NULL otherwise. a #WebKitWebContext Get the TLS errors policy of @context a #WebKitTLSErrorsPolicy a #WebKitWebContext Gets the maximum number of web processes that can be created at the same time for the @context. This function is now deprecated and always returns 0 (no limit). See also webkit_web_context_set_web_process_count_limit(). the maximum limit of web processes, or 0 if there isn't a limit. the #WebKitWebContext Get the #WebKitWebsiteDataManager of @context. a #WebKitWebsiteDataManager the #WebKitWebContext Sets initial desktop notification permissions for the @context. @allowed_origins and @disallowed_origins must each be #GList of #WebKitSecurityOrigin objects representing origins that will, respectively, either always or never have permission to show desktop notifications. No #WebKitNotificationPermissionRequest will ever be generated for any of the security origins represented in @allowed_origins or @disallowed_origins. This function is necessary because some webpages proactively check whether they have permission to display notifications without ever creating a permission request. This function only affects web processes that have not already been created. The best time to call it is when handling #WebKitWebContext::initialize-notification-permissions so as to ensure that new web processes receive the most recent set of permissions. the #WebKitWebContext a #GList of security origins a #GList of security origins Get whether automation is allowed in @context. See also webkit_web_context_set_automation_allowed(). %TRUE if automation is allowed or %FALSE otherwise. the #WebKitWebContext Get whether a #WebKitWebContext is ephemeral. %TRUE if @context is ephemeral or %FALSE otherwise. the #WebKitWebContext Resolve the domain name of the given @hostname in advance, so that if a URI of @hostname is requested the load will be performed more quickly. a #WebKitWebContext a hostname to be resolved Register @scheme in @context, so that when an URI request with @scheme is made in the #WebKitWebContext, the #WebKitURISchemeRequestCallback registered will be called with a #WebKitURISchemeRequest. It is possible to handle URI scheme requests asynchronously, by calling g_object_ref() on the #WebKitURISchemeRequest and calling webkit_uri_scheme_request_finish() later when the data of the request is available or webkit_uri_scheme_request_finish_error() in case of error. <informalexample><programlisting> static void about_uri_scheme_request_cb (WebKitURISchemeRequest *request, gpointer user_data) { GInputStream *stream; gsize stream_length; const gchar *path; path = webkit_uri_scheme_request_get_path (request); if (!g_strcmp0 (path, "plugins")) { /<!-- -->* Create a GInputStream with the contents of plugins about page, and set its length to stream_length *<!-- -->/ } else if (!g_strcmp0 (path, "memory")) { /<!-- -->* Create a GInputStream with the contents of memory about page, and set its length to stream_length *<!-- -->/ } else if (!g_strcmp0 (path, "applications")) { /<!-- -->* Create a GInputStream with the contents of applications about page, and set its length to stream_length *<!-- -->/ } else if (!g_strcmp0 (path, "example")) { gchar *contents; contents = g_strdup_printf ("&lt;html&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;Example about page&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;"); stream_length = strlen (contents); stream = g_memory_input_stream_new_from_data (contents, stream_length, g_free); } else { GError *error; error = g_error_new (ABOUT_HANDLER_ERROR, ABOUT_HANDLER_ERROR_INVALID, "Invalid about:%s page.", path); webkit_uri_scheme_request_finish_error (request, error); g_error_free (error); return; } webkit_uri_scheme_request_finish (request, stream, stream_length, "text/html"); g_object_unref (stream); } </programlisting></informalexample> a #WebKitWebContext the network scheme to register a #WebKitURISchemeRequestCallback data to pass to callback function destroy notify for @user_data Set an additional directory where WebKit will look for plugins. a #WebKitWebContext the directory to add Set whether automation is allowed in @context. When automation is enabled the browser could be controlled by another process by requesting an automation session. When a new automation session is requested the signal #WebKitWebContext::automation-started is emitted. Automation is disabled by default, so you need to explicitly call this method passing %TRUE to enable it. Note that only one #WebKitWebContext can have automation enabled, so this will do nothing if there's another #WebKitWebContext with automation already enabled. the #WebKitWebContext value to set Specifies a usage model for WebViews, which WebKit will use to determine its caching behavior. All web views follow the cache model. This cache model determines the RAM and disk space to use for caching previously viewed content . Research indicates that users tend to browse within clusters of documents that hold resources in common, and to revisit previously visited documents. WebKit and the frameworks below it include built-in caches that take advantage of these patterns, substantially improving document load speed in browsing situations. The WebKit cache model controls the behaviors of all of these caches, including various WebCore caches. Browsers can improve document load speed substantially by specifying %WEBKIT_CACHE_MODEL_WEB_BROWSER. Applications without a browsing interface can reduce memory usage substantially by specifying %WEBKIT_CACHE_MODEL_DOCUMENT_VIEWER. The default value is %WEBKIT_CACHE_MODEL_WEB_BROWSER. the #WebKitWebContext a #WebKitCacheModel Set the directory where disk cache files will be stored This method must be called before loading anything in this context, otherwise it will not have any effect. Note that this method overrides the directory set in the #WebKitWebsiteDataManager, but it doesn't change the value returned by webkit_website_data_manager_get_disk_cache_directory() since the #WebKitWebsiteDataManager is immutable. Use webkit_web_context_new_with_website_data_manager() instead. a #WebKitWebContext the directory to set Set the directory path to be used to store the favicons database for @context on disk. Passing %NULL as @path means using the default directory for the platform (see g_get_user_cache_dir()). Calling this method also means enabling the favicons database for its use from the applications, so that's why it's expected to be called only once. Further calls for the same instance of #WebKitWebContext won't cause any effect. a #WebKitWebContext an absolute path to the icon database directory or %NULL to use the defaults Set the network proxy settings to be used by connections started in @context. By default %WEBKIT_NETWORK_PROXY_MODE_DEFAULT is used, which means that the system settings will be used (g_proxy_resolver_get_default()). If you want to override the system default settings, you can either use %WEBKIT_NETWORK_PROXY_MODE_NO_PROXY to make sure no proxies are used at all, or %WEBKIT_NETWORK_PROXY_MODE_CUSTOM to provide your own proxy settings. When @proxy_mode is %WEBKIT_NETWORK_PROXY_MODE_CUSTOM @proxy_settings must be a valid #WebKitNetworkProxySettings; otherwise, @proxy_settings must be %NULL. a #WebKitWebContext a #WebKitNetworkProxyMode a #WebKitNetworkProxySettings, or %NULL Set the list of preferred languages, sorted from most desirable to least desirable. The list will be used to build the "Accept-Language" header that will be included in the network requests started by the #WebKitWebContext. a #WebKitWebContext a %NULL-terminated list of language identifiers Specifies a process model for WebViews, which WebKit will use to determine how auxiliary processes are handled. %WEBKIT_PROCESS_MODEL_MULTIPLE_SECONDARY_PROCESSES will use one process per view most of the time, while still allowing for web views to share a process when needed (for example when different views interact with each other). Using this model, when a process hangs or crashes, only the WebViews using it stop working, while the rest of the WebViews in the application will still function normally. %WEBKIT_PROCESS_MODEL_SHARED_SECONDARY_PROCESS is deprecated since 2.26, using it has no effect for security reasons. This method **must be called before any web process has been created**, as early as possible in your application. Calling it later will make your application crash. the #WebKitWebContext a #WebKitProcessModel Set whether WebKit subprocesses will be sandboxed, limiting access to the system. This method **must be called before any web process has been created**, as early as possible in your application. Calling it later is a fatal error. This is only implemented on Linux and is a no-op otherwise. a #WebKitWebContext if %TRUE enable sandboxing Enable or disable the spell checking feature. a #WebKitWebContext Value to be set Set the list of spell checking languages to be used for spell checking. The locale string typically is in the form lang_COUNTRY, where lang is an ISO-639 language code, and COUNTRY is an ISO-3166 country code. For instance, sv_FI for Swedish as written in Finland or pt_BR for Portuguese as written in Brazil. You need to call this function with a valid list of languages at least once in order to properly enable the spell checking feature in WebKit. a #WebKitWebContext a %NULL-terminated list of spell checking languages Set the TLS errors policy of @context as @policy a #WebKitWebContext a #WebKitTLSErrorsPolicy Set the directory where WebKit will look for Web Extensions. This method must be called before loading anything in this context, otherwise it will not have any effect. You can connect to #WebKitWebContext::initialize-web-extensions to call this method before anything is loaded. a #WebKitWebContext the directory to add Set user data to be passed to Web Extensions on initialization. The data will be passed to the #WebKitWebExtensionInitializeWithUserDataFunction. This method must be called before loading anything in this context, otherwise it will not have any effect. You can connect to #WebKitWebContext::initialize-web-extensions to call this method before anything is loaded. a #WebKitWebContext a #GVariant Sets the maximum number of web processes that can be created at the same time for the @context. The default value is 0 and means no limit. This function is now deprecated and does nothing for security reasons. the #WebKitWebContext the maximum number of web processes The directory where local storage data will be saved. Use #WebKitWebsiteDataManager:local-storage-directory instead. The #WebKitWebsiteDataManager associated with this context. This signal is emitted when a new automation request is made. Note that it will never be emitted if automation is not enabled in @context, see webkit_web_context_set_automation_allowed() for more details. the #WebKitAutomationSession associated with this event This signal is emitted when a new download request is made. the #WebKitDownload associated with this event This signal is emitted when a #WebKitWebContext needs to set initial notification permissions for a web process. It is emitted when a new web process is about to be launched, and signals the most appropriate moment to use webkit_web_context_initialize_notification_permissions(). If no notification permissions have changed since the last time this signal was emitted, then there is no need to call webkit_web_context_initialize_notification_permissions() again. This signal is emitted when a new web process is about to be launched. It signals the most appropriate moment to use webkit_web_context_set_web_extensions_initialization_user_data() and webkit_web_context_set_web_extensions_directory(). Request @inspector to be attached. The signal #WebKitWebInspector::attach will be emitted. If the inspector is already attached it does nothing. a #WebKitWebInspector Request @inspector to be closed. a #WebKitWebInspector Request @inspector to be detached. The signal #WebKitWebInspector::detach will be emitted. If the inspector is already detached it does nothing. a #WebKitWebInspector Get the height that the inspector view should have when it's attached. If the inspector view is not attached this returns 0. the height of the inspector view when attached a #WebKitWebInspector Whether the @inspector can be attached to the same window that contains the inspected view. %TRUE if there is enough room for the inspector view inside the window that contains the inspected view, or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitWebInspector Get the URI that is currently being inspected. This can be %NULL if nothing has been loaded yet in the inspected view, if the inspector has been closed or when inspected view was loaded from a HTML string instead of a URI. the URI that is currently being inspected or %NULL a #WebKitWebInspector Get the #WebKitWebViewBase used to display the inspector. This might be %NULL if the inspector hasn't been loaded yet, or it has been closed. the #WebKitWebViewBase used to display the inspector or %NULL a #WebKitWebInspector Whether the @inspector view is currently attached to the same window that contains the inspected view. %TRUE if @inspector is currently attached or %FALSE otherwise a #WebKitWebInspector Request @inspector to be shown. a #WebKitWebInspector The height that the inspector view should have when it is attached. Whether the @inspector can be attached to the same window that contains the inspected view. The URI that is currently being inspected. Emitted when the inspector is requested to be attached to the window where the inspected web view is. If this signal is not handled the inspector view will be automatically attached to the inspected view, so you only need to handle this signal if you want to attach the inspector view yourself (for example, to add the inspector view to a browser tab). To prevent the inspector view from being attached you can connect to this signal and simply return %TRUE. %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. %FALSE to propagate the event further. Emitted when the inspector should be shown. If the inspector is not attached the inspector window should be shown on top of any other windows. If the inspector is attached the inspector view should be made visible. For example, if the inspector view is attached using a tab in a browser window, the browser window should be raised and the tab containing the inspector view should be the active one. In both cases, if this signal is not handled, the default implementation calls gtk_window_present() on the current toplevel #GtkWindow of the inspector view. %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. %FALSE to propagate the event further. Emitted when the inspector page is closed. If you are using your own inspector window, you should connect to this signal and destroy your window. Emitted when the inspector is requested to be detached from the window it is currently attached to. The inspector is detached when the inspector page is about to be closed, and this signal is emitted right before #WebKitWebInspector::closed, or when the user clicks on the detach button in the inspector view to show the inspector in a separate window. In this case the signal #WebKitWebInspector::open-window is emitted after this one. To prevent the inspector view from being detached you can connect to this signal and simply return %TRUE. %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. %FALSE to propagate the event further. Emitted when the inspector is requested to open in a separate window. If this signal is not handled, a #GtkWindow with the inspector will be created and shown, so you only need to handle this signal if you want to use your own window. This signal is emitted after #WebKitWebInspector::detach to show the inspector in a separate window after being detached. To prevent the inspector from being shown you can connect to this signal and simply return %TRUE %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. %FALSE to propagate the event further. Enum values used to specify the reason why the web process terminated abnormally. the web process crashed. the web process exceeded the memory limit. Asynchronously get the raw data for @resource. When the operation is finished, @callback will be called. You can then call webkit_web_resource_get_data_finish() to get the result of the operation. a #WebKitWebResource a #GCancellable or %NULL to ignore a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied the data to pass to callback function Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_web_resource_get_data(). a string with the data of @resource, or %NULL in case of error. if @length is not %NULL, the size of the data will be assigned to it. a #WebKitWebResource a #GAsyncResult return location for the length of the resource data Retrieves the #WebKitURIResponse of the resource load operation. This method returns %NULL if called before the response is received from the server. You can connect to notify::response signal to be notified when the response is received. the #WebKitURIResponse, or %NULL if the response hasn't been received yet. a #WebKitWebResource Returns the current active URI of @resource. The active URI might change during a load operation: <orderedlist> <listitem><para> When the resource load starts, the active URI is the requested URI </para></listitem> <listitem><para> When the initial request is sent to the server, #WebKitWebResource::sent-request signal is emitted without a redirected response, the active URI is the URI of the request sent to the server. </para></listitem> <listitem><para> In case of a server redirection, #WebKitWebResource::sent-request signal is emitted again with a redirected response, the active URI is the URI the request was redirected to. </para></listitem> <listitem><para> When the response is received from the server, the active URI is the final one and it will not change again. </para></listitem> </orderedlist> You can monitor the active URI by connecting to the notify::uri signal of @resource. the current active URI of @resource a #WebKitWebResource The #WebKitURIResponse associated with this resource. The current active URI of the #WebKitWebResource. See webkit_web_resource_get_uri() for more details. This signal is emitted when an error occurs during the resource load operation. the #GError that was triggered This signal is emitted when a TLS error occurs during the resource load operation. a #GTlsCertificate a #GTlsCertificateFlags with the verification status of @certificate This signal is emitted when the resource load finishes successfully or due to an error. In case of errors #WebKitWebResource::failed signal is emitted before this one. This signal is emitted after response is received, every time new data has been received. It's useful to know the progress of the resource load operation. the length of data received in bytes This signal is emitted when @request has been sent to the server. In case of a server redirection this signal is emitted again with the @request argument containing the new request sent to the server due to the redirection and the @redirected_response parameter containing the response received by the server for the initial request. a #WebKitURIRequest a #WebKitURIResponse, or %NULL Creates a new #WebKitWebView with the default #WebKitWebContext and no #WebKitUserContentManager associated with it. See also webkit_web_view_new_with_context(), webkit_web_view_new_with_user_content_manager(), and webkit_web_view_new_with_settings(). The newly created #WebKitWebView widget Creates a new #WebKitWebView with the given #WebKitWebContext and no #WebKitUserContentManager associated with it. See also webkit_web_view_new_with_user_content_manager() and webkit_web_view_new_with_settings(). The newly created #WebKitWebView widget the #WebKitWebContext to be used by the #WebKitWebView Creates a new #WebKitWebView sharing the same web process with @web_view. This method doesn't have any effect when %WEBKIT_PROCESS_MODEL_SHARED_SECONDARY_PROCESS process model is used, because a single web process is shared for all the web views in the same #WebKitWebContext. When using %WEBKIT_PROCESS_MODEL_MULTIPLE_SECONDARY_PROCESSES process model, this method should always be used when creating the #WebKitWebView in the #WebKitWebView::create signal. You can also use this method to implement other process models based on %WEBKIT_PROCESS_MODEL_MULTIPLE_SECONDARY_PROCESSES, like for example, sharing the same web process for all the views in the same security domain. The newly created #WebKitWebView will also have the same #WebKitUserContentManager and #WebKitSettings as @web_view. The newly created #WebKitWebView widget the related #WebKitWebView Creates a new #WebKitWebView with the given #WebKitSettings. See also webkit_web_view_new_with_context(), and webkit_web_view_new_with_user_content_manager(). The newly created #WebKitWebView widget a #WebKitSettings Creates a new #WebKitWebView with the given #WebKitUserContentManager. The content loaded in the view may be affected by the content injected in the view by the user content manager. The newly created #WebKitWebView widget a #WebKitUserContentManager. Asynchronously check if it is possible to execute the given editing command. When the operation is finished, @callback will be called. You can then call webkit_web_view_can_execute_editing_command_finish() to get the result of the operation. a #WebKitWebView the command to check a #GCancellable or %NULL to ignore a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied the data to pass to callback function Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_web_view_can_execute_editing_command(). %TRUE if the editing command can be executed or %FALSE otherwise a #WebKitWebView a #GAsyncResult Determines whether @web_view has a previous history item. %TRUE if able to move back or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitWebView Determines whether @web_view has a next history item. %TRUE if able to move forward or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitWebView Whether or not a MIME type can be displayed in @web_view. %TRUE if the MIME type @mime_type can be displayed or %FALSE otherwise a #WebKitWebView a MIME type Requests downloading of the specified URI string for @web_view. a new #WebKitDownload representing the download operation. a #WebKitWebView the URI to download Request to execute the given @command for @web_view. You can use webkit_web_view_can_execute_editing_command() to check whether it's possible to execute the command. a #WebKitWebView the command to execute Request to execute the given @command with @argument for @web_view. You can use webkit_web_view_can_execute_editing_command() to check whether it's possible to execute the command. a #WebKitWebView the command to execute the command argument Obtains the #WebKitBackForwardList associated with the given #WebKitWebView. The #WebKitBackForwardList is owned by the #WebKitWebView. the #WebKitBackForwardList a #WebKitWebView Gets the color that is used to draw the @web_view background before the actual contents are rendered. For more information see also webkit_web_view_set_background_color() a #WebKitWebView a #GdkRGBA to fill in with the background color Gets the web context of @web_view. the #WebKitWebContext of the view a #WebKitWebView Returns the current custom character encoding name of @web_view. the current custom character encoding name or %NULL if no custom character encoding has been set. a #WebKitWebView Gets the web editor state of @web_view. the #WebKitEditorState of the view a #WebKitWebView Gets the value of the #WebKitWebView:estimated-load-progress property. You can monitor the estimated progress of a load operation by connecting to the notify::estimated-load-progress signal of @web_view. an estimate of the of the percent complete for a document load as a range from 0.0 to 1.0. a #WebKitWebView Returns favicon currently associated to @web_view, if any. You can connect to notify::favicon signal of @web_view to be notified when the favicon is available. a pointer to a #cairo_surface_t with the favicon or %NULL if there's no icon associated with @web_view. a #WebKitWebView Gets the #WebKitFindController that will allow the caller to query the #WebKitWebView for the text to look for. the #WebKitFindController associated to this particular #WebKitWebView. the #WebKitWebView Get the #WebKitWebInspector associated to @web_view the #WebKitWebInspector of @web_view a #WebKitWebView Get the global JavaScript context used by @web_view to deserialize the result values of scripts executed with webkit_web_view_run_javascript(). Use jsc_value_get_context() instead. the <function>JSGlobalContextRef</function> used by @web_view to deserialize the result values of scripts. a #WebKitWebView Return the main resource of @web_view. the main #WebKitWebResource of the view or %NULL if nothing has been loaded. a #WebKitWebView Get the identifier of the #WebKitWebPage corresponding to the #WebKitWebView the page ID of @web_view. a #WebKitWebView Gets the current session state of @web_view a #WebKitWebViewSessionState a #WebKitWebView Gets the #WebKitSettings currently applied to @web_view. If no other #WebKitSettings have been explicitly applied to @web_view with webkit_web_view_set_settings(), the default #WebKitSettings will be returned. This method always returns a valid #WebKitSettings object. To modify any of the @web_view settings, you can either create a new #WebKitSettings object with webkit_settings_new(), setting the desired preferences, and then replace the existing @web_view settings with webkit_web_view_set_settings() or get the existing @web_view settings and update it directly. #WebKitSettings objects can be shared by multiple #WebKitWebView<!-- -->s, so modifying the settings of a #WebKitWebView would affect other #WebKitWebView<!-- -->s using the same #WebKitSettings. the #WebKitSettings attached to @web_view a #WebKitWebView Asynchronously retrieves a snapshot of @web_view for @region. @options specifies how the snapshot should be rendered. When the operation is finished, @callback will be called. You must call webkit_web_view_get_snapshot_finish() to get the result of the operation. a #WebKitWebView the #WebKitSnapshotRegion for this snapshot #WebKitSnapshotOptions for the snapshot a #GCancellable a #GAsyncReadyCallback user data Finishes an asynchronous operation started with webkit_web_view_get_snapshot(). a #cairo_surface_t with the retrieved snapshot or %NULL in error. a #WebKitWebView a #GAsyncResult Gets the value of the #WebKitWebView:title property. You can connect to notify::title signal of @web_view to be notified when the title has been received. The main frame document title of @web_view. a #WebKitWebView Retrieves the #GTlsCertificate associated with the main resource of @web_view, and the #GTlsCertificateFlags showing what problems, if any, have been found with that certificate. If the connection is not HTTPS, this function returns %FALSE. This function should be called after a response has been received from the server, so you can connect to #WebKitWebView::load-changed and call this function when it's emitted with %WEBKIT_LOAD_COMMITTED event. Note that this function provides no information about the security of the web page if the current #WebKitTLSErrorsPolicy is @WEBKIT_TLS_ERRORS_POLICY_IGNORE, as subresources of the page may be controlled by an attacker. This function may safely be used to determine the security status of the current page only if the current #WebKitTLSErrorsPolicy is @WEBKIT_TLS_ERRORS_POLICY_FAIL, in which case subresources that fail certificate verification will be blocked. %TRUE if the @web_view connection uses HTTPS and a response has been received from the server, or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitWebView return location for a #GTlsCertificate return location for a #GTlsCertificateFlags the verification status of @certificate Returns the current active URI of @web_view. The active URI might change during a load operation: <orderedlist> <listitem><para> When nothing has been loaded yet on @web_view the active URI is %NULL. </para></listitem> <listitem><para> When a new load operation starts the active URI is the requested URI: <itemizedlist> <listitem><para> If the load operation was started by webkit_web_view_load_uri(), the requested URI is the given one. </para></listitem> <listitem><para> If the load operation was started by webkit_web_view_load_html(), the requested URI is "about:blank". </para></listitem> <listitem><para> If the load operation was started by webkit_web_view_load_alternate_html(), the requested URI is content URI provided. </para></listitem> <listitem><para> If the load operation was started by webkit_web_view_go_back() or webkit_web_view_go_forward(), the requested URI is the original URI of the previous/next item in the #WebKitBackForwardList of @web_view. </para></listitem> <listitem><para> If the load operation was started by webkit_web_view_go_to_back_forward_list_item(), the requested URI is the opriginal URI of the given #WebKitBackForwardListItem. </para></listitem> </itemizedlist> </para></listitem> <listitem><para> If there is a server redirection during the load operation, the active URI is the redirected URI. When the signal #WebKitWebView::load-changed is emitted with %WEBKIT_LOAD_REDIRECTED event, the active URI is already updated to the redirected URI. </para></listitem> <listitem><para> When the signal #WebKitWebView::load-changed is emitted with %WEBKIT_LOAD_COMMITTED event, the active URI is the final one and it will not change unless a new load operation is started or a navigation action within the same page is performed. </para></listitem> </orderedlist> You can monitor the active URI by connecting to the notify::uri signal of @web_view. the current active URI of @web_view or %NULL if nothing has been loaded yet. a #WebKitWebView Gets the user content manager associated to @web_view. the #WebKitUserContentManager associated with the view a #WebKitWebView Get the #WebKitWebsiteDataManager associated to @web_view. If @web_view is not ephemeral, the returned #WebKitWebsiteDataManager will be the same as the #WebKitWebsiteDataManager of @web_view's #WebKitWebContext. a #WebKitWebsiteDataManager a #WebKitWebView Get the #WebKitWindowProperties object containing the properties that the window containing @web_view should have. the #WebKitWindowProperties of @web_view a #WebKitWebView Get the zoom level of @web_view, i.e. the factor by which the view contents are scaled with respect to their original size. the current zoom level of @web_view a #WebKitWebView Loads the previous history item. You can monitor the load operation by connecting to #WebKitWebView::load-changed signal. a #WebKitWebView Loads the next history item. You can monitor the load operation by connecting to #WebKitWebView::load-changed signal. a #WebKitWebView Loads the specific history item @list_item. You can monitor the load operation by connecting to #WebKitWebView::load-changed signal. a #WebKitWebView a #WebKitBackForwardListItem Get whether a #WebKitWebView was created with #WebKitWebView:is-controlled-by-automation property enabled. Only #WebKitWebView<!-- -->s controlled by automation can be used in an automation session. %TRUE if @web_view is controlled by automation, or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitWebView Get whether a #WebKitWebView is ephemeral. To create an ephemeral #WebKitWebView you need to use g_object_new() and pass is-ephemeral property with %TRUE value. See #WebKitWebView:is-ephemeral for more details. If @web_view was created with a ephemeral #WebKitWebView:related-view or an ephemeral #WebKitWebView:web-context it will also be ephemeral. %TRUE if @web_view is ephemeral or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitWebView Gets the value of the #WebKitWebView:is-loading property. You can monitor when a #WebKitWebView is loading a page by connecting to notify::is-loading signal of @web_view. This is useful when you are interesting in knowing when the view is loading something but not in the details about the status of the load operation, for example to start a spinner when the view is loading a page and stop it when it finishes. %TRUE if @web_view is loading a page or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitWebView Gets the value of the #WebKitWebView:is-playing-audio property. You can monitor when a page in a #WebKitWebView is playing audio by connecting to the notify::is-playing-audio signal of @web_view. This is useful when the application wants to provide visual feedback when a page is producing sound. %TRUE if a page in @web_view is playing audio or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitWebView Load the given @content string for the URI @content_uri. This allows clients to display page-loading errors in the #WebKitWebView itself. When this method is called from #WebKitWebView::load-failed signal to show an error page, then the back-forward list is maintained appropriately. For everything else this method works the same way as webkit_web_view_load_html(). a #WebKitWebView the new content to display as the main page of the @web_view the URI for the alternate page content the base URI for relative locations or %NULL Load the specified @bytes into @web_view using the given @mime_type and @encoding. When @mime_type is %NULL, it defaults to "text/html". When @encoding is %NULL, it defaults to "UTF-8". When @base_uri is %NULL, it defaults to "about:blank". You can monitor the load operation by connecting to #WebKitWebView::load-changed signal. a #WebKitWebView input data to load the MIME type of @bytes, or %NULL the character encoding of @bytes, or %NULL the base URI for relative locations or %NULL Load the given @content string with the specified @base_uri. If @base_uri is not %NULL, relative URLs in the @content will be resolved against @base_uri and absolute local paths must be children of the @base_uri. For security reasons absolute local paths that are not children of @base_uri will cause the web process to terminate. If you need to include URLs in @content that are local paths in a different directory than @base_uri you can build a data URI for them. When @base_uri is %NULL, it defaults to "about:blank". The mime type of the document will be "text/html". You can monitor the load operation by connecting to #WebKitWebView::load-changed signal. a #WebKitWebView The HTML string to load The base URI for relative locations or %NULL Load the specified @plain_text string into @web_view. The mime type of document will be "text/plain". You can monitor the load operation by connecting to #WebKitWebView::load-changed signal. a #WebKitWebView The plain text to load Requests loading of the specified #WebKitURIRequest. You can monitor the load operation by connecting to #WebKitWebView::load-changed signal. a #WebKitWebView a #WebKitURIRequest to load Requests loading of the specified URI string. You can monitor the load operation by connecting to #WebKitWebView::load-changed signal. a #WebKitWebView an URI string Reloads the current contents of @web_view. See also webkit_web_view_reload_bypass_cache(). a #WebKitWebView Reloads the current contents of @web_view without using any cached data. a #WebKitWebView Restore the @web_view session state from @state a #WebKitWebView a #WebKitWebViewSessionState Asynchronously run @script in the context of the current page in @web_view. If WebKitSettings:enable-javascript is FALSE, this method will do nothing. When the operation is finished, @callback will be called. You can then call webkit_web_view_run_javascript_finish() to get the result of the operation. a #WebKitWebView the script to run a #GCancellable or %NULL to ignore a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the script finished the data to pass to callback function Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_web_view_run_javascript(). This is an example of using webkit_web_view_run_javascript() with a script returning a string: <informalexample><programlisting> static void web_view_javascript_finished (GObject *object, GAsyncResult *result, gpointer user_data) { WebKitJavascriptResult *js_result; JSCValue *value; GError *error = NULL; js_result = webkit_web_view_run_javascript_finish (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (object), result, &error); if (!js_result) { g_warning ("Error running javascript: %s", error->message); g_error_free (error); return; } value = webkit_javascript_result_get_js_value (js_result); if (jsc_value_is_string (value)) { JSCException *exception; gchar *str_value; str_value = jsc_value_to_string (value); exception = jsc_context_get_exception (jsc_value_get_context (value)); if (exception) g_warning ("Error running javascript: %s", jsc_exception_get_message (exception)); else g_print ("Script result: %s\n", str_value); g_free (str_value); } else { g_warning ("Error running javascript: unexpected return value"); } webkit_javascript_result_unref (js_result); } static void web_view_get_link_url (WebKitWebView *web_view, const gchar *link_id) { gchar *script; script = g_strdup_printf ("window.document.getElementById('%s').href;", link_id); webkit_web_view_run_javascript (web_view, script, NULL, web_view_javascript_finished, NULL); g_free (script); } </programlisting></informalexample> a #WebKitJavascriptResult with the result of the last executed statement in @script or %NULL in case of error a #WebKitWebView a #GAsyncResult Asynchronously run the script from @resource in the context of the current page in @web_view. When the operation is finished, @callback will be called. You can then call webkit_web_view_run_javascript_from_gresource_finish() to get the result of the operation. a #WebKitWebView the location of the resource to load a #GCancellable or %NULL to ignore a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the script finished the data to pass to callback function Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_web_view_run_javascript_from_gresource(). Check webkit_web_view_run_javascript_finish() for a usage example. a #WebKitJavascriptResult with the result of the last executed statement in @script or %NULL in case of error a #WebKitWebView a #GAsyncResult Asynchronously run @script in the script world with name @world_name of the current page context in @web_view. If WebKitSettings:enable-javascript is FALSE, this method will do nothing. When the operation is finished, @callback will be called. You can then call webkit_web_view_run_javascript_in_world_finish() to get the result of the operation. a #WebKitWebView the script to run the name of a #WebKitScriptWorld a #GCancellable or %NULL to ignore a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the script finished the data to pass to callback function Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_web_view_run_javascript_in_world(). a #WebKitJavascriptResult with the result of the last executed statement in @script or %NULL in case of error a #WebKitWebView a #GAsyncResult Asynchronously save the current web page associated to the #WebKitWebView into a self-contained format using the mode specified in @save_mode. When the operation is finished, @callback will be called. You can then call webkit_web_view_save_finish() to get the result of the operation. a #WebKitWebView the #WebKitSaveMode specifying how the web page should be saved. a #GCancellable or %NULL to ignore a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied the data to pass to callback function Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_web_view_save(). a #GInputStream with the result of saving the current web page or %NULL in case of error. a #WebKitWebView a #GAsyncResult Asynchronously save the current web page associated to the #WebKitWebView into a self-contained format using the mode specified in @save_mode and writing it to @file. When the operation is finished, @callback will be called. You can then call webkit_web_view_save_to_file_finish() to get the result of the operation. a #WebKitWebView the #GFile where the current web page should be saved to. the #WebKitSaveMode specifying how the web page should be saved. a #GCancellable or %NULL to ignore a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied the data to pass to callback function Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_web_view_save_to_file(). %TRUE if the web page was successfully saved to a file or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitWebView a #GAsyncResult Sets the color that will be used to draw the @web_view background before the actual contents are rendered. Note that if the web page loaded in @web_view specifies a background color, it will take precedence over the @rgba color. By default the @web_view background color is opaque white. Note that the parent window must have a RGBA visual and #GtkWidget:app-paintable property set to %TRUE for backgrounds colors to work. <informalexample><programlisting> static void browser_window_set_background_color (BrowserWindow *window, const GdkRGBA *rgba) { WebKitWebView *web_view; GdkScreen *screen = gtk_window_get_screen (GTK_WINDOW (window)); GdkVisual *rgba_visual = gdk_screen_get_rgba_visual (screen); if (!rgba_visual) return; gtk_widget_set_visual (GTK_WIDGET (window), rgba_visual); gtk_widget_set_app_paintable (GTK_WIDGET (window), TRUE); web_view = browser_window_get_web_view (window); webkit_web_view_set_background_color (web_view, rgba); } </programlisting></informalexample> a #WebKitWebView a #GdkRGBA Sets the current custom character encoding override of @web_view. The custom character encoding will override any text encoding detected via HTTP headers or META tags. Calling this method will stop any current load operation and reload the current page. Setting the custom character encoding to %NULL removes the character encoding override. a #WebKitWebView a character encoding name or %NULL Sets whether the user is allowed to edit the HTML document. If @editable is %TRUE, @web_view allows the user to edit the HTML document. If @editable is %FALSE, an element in @web_view's document can only be edited if the CONTENTEDITABLE attribute has been set on the element or one of its parent elements. By default a #WebKitWebView is not editable. Normally, a HTML document is not editable unless the elements within the document are editable. This function provides a way to make the contents of a #WebKitWebView editable without altering the document or DOM structure. a #WebKitWebView a #gboolean indicating the editable state Sets the #WebKitSettings to be applied to @web_view. The existing #WebKitSettings of @web_view will be replaced by @settings. New settings are applied immediately on @web_view. The same #WebKitSettings object can be shared by multiple #WebKitWebView<!-- -->s. a #WebKitWebView a #WebKitSettings Set the zoom level of @web_view, i.e. the factor by which the view contents are scaled with respect to their original size. a #WebKitWebView the zoom level Stops any ongoing loading operation in @web_view. This method does nothing if no content is being loaded. If there is a loading operation in progress, it will be cancelled and #WebKitWebView::load-failed signal will be emitted with %WEBKIT_NETWORK_ERROR_CANCELLED error. a #WebKitWebView Tries to close the @web_view. This will fire the onbeforeunload event to ask the user for confirmation to close the page. If there isn't an onbeforeunload event handler or the user confirms to close the page, the #WebKitWebView::close signal is emitted, otherwise nothing happens. a #WebKitWebView Whether the pages loaded inside #WebKitWebView are editable. For more information see webkit_web_view_set_editable(). An estimate of the percent completion for the current loading operation. This value will range from 0.0 to 1.0 and, once a load completes, will remain at 1.0 until a new load starts, at which point it will be reset to 0.0. The value is an estimate based on the total number of bytes expected to be received for a document, including all its possible subresources and child documents. The favicon currently associated to the #WebKitWebView. See webkit_web_view_get_favicon() for more details. Whether the #WebKitWebView is controlled by automation. This should only be used when creating a new #WebKitWebView as a response to #WebKitAutomationSession::create-web-view signal request. Whether the #WebKitWebView is ephemeral. An ephemeral web view never writes website data to the client storage, no matter what #WebKitWebsiteDataManager its context is using. This is normally used to implement private browsing mode. This is a %G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY property, so you have to create a ephemeral #WebKitWebView and it can't be changed. Note that all #WebKitWebView<!-- -->s created with an ephemeral #WebKitWebContext will be ephemeral automatically. See also webkit_web_context_new_ephemeral(). Whether the #WebKitWebView is currently loading a page. This property becomes %TRUE as soon as a new load operation is requested and before the #WebKitWebView::load-changed signal is emitted with %WEBKIT_LOAD_STARTED and at that point the active URI is the requested one. When the load operation finishes the property is set to %FALSE before #WebKitWebView::load-changed is emitted with %WEBKIT_LOAD_FINISHED. Whether the #WebKitWebView is currently playing audio from a page. This property becomes %TRUE as soon as web content starts playing any kind of audio. When a page is no longer playing any kind of sound, the property is set back to %FALSE. The related #WebKitWebView used when creating the view to share the same web process. This property is not readable because the related web view is only valid during the object construction. The #WebKitSettings of the view. The main frame document title of this #WebKitWebView. If the title has not been received yet, it will be %NULL. The current active URI of the #WebKitWebView. See webkit_web_view_get_uri() for more details. The #WebKitUserContentManager of the view. The #WebKitWebContext of the view. The zoom level of the #WebKitWebView content. See webkit_web_view_set_zoom_level() for more details. This signal is emitted when the user is challenged with HTTP authentication. To let the application access or supply the credentials as well as to allow the client application to either cancel the request or perform the authentication, the signal will pass an instance of the #WebKitAuthenticationRequest in the @request argument. To handle this signal asynchronously you should keep a ref of the request and return %TRUE. To disable HTTP authentication entirely, connect to this signal and simply return %TRUE. The default signal handler will run a default authentication dialog asynchronously for the user to interact with. %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. %FALSE to propagate the event further. a #WebKitAuthenticationRequest Emitted when closing a #WebKitWebView is requested. This occurs when a call is made from JavaScript's <function>window.close</function> function or after trying to close the @web_view with webkit_web_view_try_close(). It is the owner's responsibility to handle this signal to hide or destroy the #WebKitWebView, if necessary. Emitted when a context menu is about to be displayed to give the application a chance to customize the proposed menu, prevent the menu from being displayed, or build its own context menu. <itemizedlist> <listitem><para> To customize the proposed menu you can use webkit_context_menu_prepend(), webkit_context_menu_append() or webkit_context_menu_insert() to add new #WebKitContextMenuItem<!-- -->s to @context_menu, webkit_context_menu_move_item() to reorder existing items, or webkit_context_menu_remove() to remove an existing item. The signal handler should return %FALSE, and the menu represented by @context_menu will be shown. </para></listitem> <listitem><para> To prevent the menu from being displayed you can just connect to this signal and return %TRUE so that the proposed menu will not be shown. </para></listitem> <listitem><para> To build your own menu, you can remove all items from the proposed menu with webkit_context_menu_remove_all(), add your own items and return %FALSE so that the menu will be shown. You can also ignore the proposed #WebKitContextMenu, build your own #GtkMenu and return %TRUE to prevent the proposed menu from being shown. </para></listitem> <listitem><para> If you just want the default menu to be shown always, simply don't connect to this signal because showing the proposed context menu is the default behaviour. </para></listitem> </itemizedlist> The @event is expected to be one of the following types: <itemizedlist> <listitem><para> a #GdkEventButton of type %GDK_BUTTON_PRESS when the context menu was triggered with mouse. </para></listitem> <listitem><para> a #GdkEventKey of type %GDK_KEY_PRESS if the keyboard was used to show the menu. </para></listitem> <listitem><para> a generic #GdkEvent of type %GDK_NOTHING when the #GtkWidget::popup-menu signal was used to show the context menu. </para></listitem> </itemizedlist> If the signal handler returns %FALSE the context menu represented by @context_menu will be shown, if it return %TRUE the context menu will not be shown. The proposed #WebKitContextMenu passed in @context_menu argument is only valid during the signal emission. %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. %FALSE to propagate the event further. the proposed #WebKitContextMenu the #GdkEvent that triggered the context menu a #WebKitHitTestResult Emitted after #WebKitWebView::context-menu signal, if the context menu is shown, to notify that the context menu is dismissed. Emitted when the creation of a new #WebKitWebView is requested. If this signal is handled the signal handler should return the newly created #WebKitWebView. The #WebKitNavigationAction parameter contains information about the navigation action that triggered this signal. When using %WEBKIT_PROCESS_MODEL_MULTIPLE_SECONDARY_PROCESSES process model, the new #WebKitWebView should be related to @web_view to share the same web process, see webkit_web_view_new_with_related_view() for more details. The new #WebKitWebView should not be displayed to the user until the #WebKitWebView::ready-to-show signal is emitted. a newly allocated #WebKitWebView widget or %NULL to propagate the event further. a #WebKitNavigationAction This signal is emitted when WebKit is requesting the client to decide a policy decision, such as whether to navigate to a page, open a new window or whether or not to download a resource. The #WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision passed in the @decision argument is a generic type, but should be casted to a more specific type when making the decision. For example: <informalexample><programlisting> static gboolean decide_policy_cb (WebKitWebView *web_view, WebKitPolicyDecision *decision, WebKitPolicyDecisionType type) { switch (type) { case WEBKIT_POLICY_DECISION_TYPE_NAVIGATION_ACTION: { WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision *navigation_decision = WEBKIT_NAVIGATION_POLICY_DECISION (decision); /<!-- -->* Make a policy decision here. *<!-- -->/ break; } case WEBKIT_POLICY_DECISION_TYPE_NEW_WINDOW_ACTION: { WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision *navigation_decision = WEBKIT_NAVIGATION_POLICY_DECISION (decision); /<!-- -->* Make a policy decision here. *<!-- -->/ break; } case WEBKIT_POLICY_DECISION_TYPE_RESPONSE: WebKitResponsePolicyDecision *response = WEBKIT_RESPONSE_POLICY_DECISION (decision); /<!-- -->* Make a policy decision here. *<!-- -->/ break; default: /<!-- -->* Making no decision results in webkit_policy_decision_use(). *<!-- -->/ return FALSE; } return TRUE; } </programlisting></informalexample> It is possible to make policy decision asynchronously, by simply calling g_object_ref() on the @decision argument and returning %TRUE to block the default signal handler. If the last reference is removed on a #WebKitPolicyDecision and no decision has been made explicitly, webkit_policy_decision_use() will be the default policy decision. The default signal handler will simply call webkit_policy_decision_use(). Only the first policy decision chosen for a given #WebKitPolicyDecision will have any affect. %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. %FALSE to propagate the event further. the #WebKitPolicyDecision a #WebKitPolicyDecisionType denoting the type of @decision Emitted when JavaScript code calls <function>element.webkitRequestFullScreen</function>. If the signal is not handled the #WebKitWebView will proceed to full screen its top level window. This signal can be used by client code to request permission to the user prior doing the full screen transition and eventually prepare the top-level window (e.g. hide some widgets that would otherwise be part of the full screen window). %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. %FALSE to continue emission of the event. This signal is emitted when insecure content has been detected in a page loaded through a secure connection. This typically means that a external resource from an unstrusted source has been run or displayed, resulting in a mix of HTTPS and non-HTTPS content. You can check the @event parameter to know exactly which kind of event has been detected (see #WebKitInsecureContentEvent). the #WebKitInsecureContentEvent Emitted when the #WebKitWebView is about to restore its top level window out of its full screen state. This signal can be used by client code to restore widgets hidden during the #WebKitWebView::enter-fullscreen stage for instance. %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. %FALSE to continue emission of the event. Emitted when a load operation in @web_view changes. The signal is always emitted with %WEBKIT_LOAD_STARTED when a new load request is made and %WEBKIT_LOAD_FINISHED when the load finishes successfully or due to an error. When the ongoing load operation fails #WebKitWebView::load-failed signal is emitted before #WebKitWebView::load-changed is emitted with %WEBKIT_LOAD_FINISHED. If a redirection is received from the server, this signal is emitted with %WEBKIT_LOAD_REDIRECTED after the initial emission with %WEBKIT_LOAD_STARTED and before %WEBKIT_LOAD_COMMITTED. When the page content starts arriving the signal is emitted with %WEBKIT_LOAD_COMMITTED event. You can handle this signal and use a switch to track any ongoing load operation. <informalexample><programlisting> static void web_view_load_changed (WebKitWebView *web_view, WebKitLoadEvent load_event, gpointer user_data) { switch (load_event) { case WEBKIT_LOAD_STARTED: /<!-- -->* New load, we have now a provisional URI *<!-- -->/ provisional_uri = webkit_web_view_get_uri (web_view); /<!-- -->* Here we could start a spinner or update the <!-- -->* location bar with the provisional URI *<!-- -->/ break; case WEBKIT_LOAD_REDIRECTED: redirected_uri = webkit_web_view_get_uri (web_view); break; case WEBKIT_LOAD_COMMITTED: /<!-- -->* The load is being performed. Current URI is <!-- -->* the final one and it won't change unless a new <!-- -->* load is requested or a navigation within the <!-- -->* same page is performed *<!-- -->/ uri = webkit_web_view_get_uri (web_view); break; case WEBKIT_LOAD_FINISHED: /<!-- -->* Load finished, we can now stop the spinner *<!-- -->/ break; } } </programlisting></informalexample> the #WebKitLoadEvent Emitted when an error occurs during a load operation. If the error happened when starting to load data for a page @load_event will be %WEBKIT_LOAD_STARTED. If it happened while loading a committed data source @load_event will be %WEBKIT_LOAD_COMMITTED. Since a load error causes the load operation to finish, the signal WebKitWebView::load-changed will always be emitted with %WEBKIT_LOAD_FINISHED event right after this one. By default, if the signal is not handled, a stock error page will be displayed. You need to handle the signal if you want to provide your own error page. %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. %FALSE to propagate the event further. the #WebKitLoadEvent of the load operation the URI that failed to load the #GError that was triggered Emitted when a TLS error occurs during a load operation. To allow an exception for this @certificate and the host of @failing_uri use webkit_web_context_allow_tls_certificate_for_host(). To handle this signal asynchronously you should call g_object_ref() on @certificate and return %TRUE. If %FALSE is returned, #WebKitWebView::load-failed will be emitted. The load will finish regardless of the returned value. %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. %FALSE to propagate the event further. the URI that failed to load a #GTlsCertificate a #GTlsCertificateFlags with the verification status of @certificate This signal is emitted when the mouse cursor moves over an element such as a link, image or a media element. To determine what type of element the mouse cursor is over, a Hit Test is performed on the current mouse coordinates and the result is passed in the @hit_test_result argument. The @modifiers argument is a bitmask of #GdkModifierType flags indicating the state of modifier keys. The signal is emitted again when the mouse is moved out of the current element with a new @hit_test_result. a #WebKitHitTestResult a bitmask of #GdkModifierType This signal is emitted when WebKit is requesting the client to decide about a permission request, such as allowing the browser to switch to fullscreen mode, sharing its location or similar operations. A possible way to use this signal could be through a dialog allowing the user decide what to do with the request: <informalexample><programlisting> static gboolean permission_request_cb (WebKitWebView *web_view, WebKitPermissionRequest *request, GtkWindow *parent_window) { GtkWidget *dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (parent_window, GTK_DIALOG_MODAL, GTK_MESSAGE_QUESTION, GTK_BUTTONS_YES_NO, "Allow Permission Request?"); gtk_widget_show (dialog); gint result = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)); switch (result) { case GTK_RESPONSE_YES: webkit_permission_request_allow (request); break; default: webkit_permission_request_deny (request); break; } gtk_widget_destroy (dialog); return TRUE; } </programlisting></informalexample> It is possible to handle permission requests asynchronously, by simply calling g_object_ref() on the @request argument and returning %TRUE to block the default signal handler. If the last reference is removed on a #WebKitPermissionRequest and the request has not been handled, webkit_permission_request_deny() will be the default action. If the signal is not handled, the @request will be completed automatically by the specific #WebKitPermissionRequest that could allow or deny it. Check the documentation of classes implementing #WebKitPermissionRequest interface to know their default action. %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. %FALSE to propagate the event further. the #WebKitPermissionRequest Emitted when printing is requested on @web_view, usually by a JavaScript call, before the print dialog is shown. This signal can be used to set the initial print settings and page setup of @print_operation to be used as default values in the print dialog. You can call webkit_print_operation_set_print_settings() and webkit_print_operation_set_page_setup() and then return %FALSE to propagate the event so that the print dialog is shown. You can connect to this signal and return %TRUE to cancel the print operation or implement your own print dialog. %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. %FALSE to propagate the event further. the #WebKitPrintOperation that will handle the print request Emitted after #WebKitWebView::create on the newly created #WebKitWebView when it should be displayed to the user. When this signal is emitted all the information about how the window should look, including size, position, whether the location, status and scrollbars should be displayed, is already set on the #WebKitWindowProperties of @web_view. See also webkit_web_view_get_window_properties(). Emitted when a new resource is going to be loaded. The @request parameter contains the #WebKitURIRequest that will be sent to the server. You can monitor the load operation by connecting to the different signals of @resource. a #WebKitWebResource a #WebKitURIRequest Emitted after #WebKitWebView::ready-to-show on the newly created #WebKitWebView when JavaScript code calls <function>window.showModalDialog</function>. The purpose of this signal is to allow the client application to prepare the new view to behave as modal. Once the signal is emitted a new main loop will be run to block user interaction in the parent #WebKitWebView until the new dialog is closed. This signal is emitted when the user interacts with a &lt;input type='color' /&gt; HTML element, requesting from WebKit to show a dialog to select a color. To let the application know the details of the color chooser, as well as to allow the client application to either cancel the request or perform an actual color selection, the signal will pass an instance of the #WebKitColorChooserRequest in the @request argument. It is possible to handle this request asynchronously by increasing the reference count of the request. The default signal handler will asynchronously run a regular #GtkColorChooser for the user to interact with. %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. %FALSE to propagate the event further. a #WebKitColorChooserRequest This signal is emitted when the user interacts with a &lt;input type='file' /&gt; HTML element, requesting from WebKit to show a dialog to select one or more files to be uploaded. To let the application know the details of the file chooser, as well as to allow the client application to either cancel the request or perform an actual selection of files, the signal will pass an instance of the #WebKitFileChooserRequest in the @request argument. The default signal handler will asynchronously run a regular #GtkFileChooserDialog for the user to interact with. %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. %FALSE to propagate the event further. a #WebKitFileChooserRequest Emitted when JavaScript code calls <function>window.alert</function>, <function>window.confirm</function> or <function>window.prompt</function>, or when <function>onbeforeunload</function> event is fired. The @dialog parameter should be used to build the dialog. If the signal is not handled a different dialog will be built and shown depending on the dialog type: <itemizedlist> <listitem><para> %WEBKIT_SCRIPT_DIALOG_ALERT: message dialog with a single Close button. </para></listitem> <listitem><para> %WEBKIT_SCRIPT_DIALOG_CONFIRM: message dialog with OK and Cancel buttons. </para></listitem> <listitem><para> %WEBKIT_SCRIPT_DIALOG_PROMPT: message dialog with OK and Cancel buttons and a text entry with the default text. </para></listitem> <listitem><para> %WEBKIT_SCRIPT_DIALOG_BEFORE_UNLOAD_CONFIRM: message dialog with Stay and Leave buttons. </para></listitem> </itemizedlist> It is possible to handle the script dialog request asynchronously, by simply caling webkit_script_dialog_ref() on the @dialog argument and calling webkit_script_dialog_close() when done. If the last reference is removed on a #WebKitScriptDialog and the dialog has not been closed, webkit_script_dialog_close() will be called. %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. %FALSE to propagate the event further. the #WebKitScriptDialog to show This signal is emitted when a notification should be presented to the user. The @notification is kept alive until either: 1) the web page cancels it or 2) a navigation happens. The default handler will emit a notification using libnotify, if built with support for it. %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked. %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitNotification This signal is emitted when a select element in @web_view needs to display a dropdown menu. This signal can be used to show a custom menu, using @menu to get the details of all items that should be displayed. The area of the element in the #WebKitWebView is given as @rectangle parameter, it can be used to position the menu. If this was triggered by a user interaction, like a mouse click, @event parameter provides the #GdkEvent. To handle this signal asynchronously you should keep a ref of the @menu. The default signal handler will pop up a #GtkMenu. %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. %FALSE to propagate the event further. the #WebKitOptionMenu the #GdkEvent that triggered the menu, or %NULL the option element area This signal is emitted when a form is about to be submitted. The @request argument passed contains information about the text fields of the form. This is typically used to store login information that can be used later to pre-fill the form. The form will not be submitted until webkit_form_submission_request_submit() is called. It is possible to handle the form submission request asynchronously, by simply calling g_object_ref() on the @request argument and calling webkit_form_submission_request_submit() when done to continue with the form submission. If the last reference is removed on a #WebKitFormSubmissionRequest and the form has not been submitted, webkit_form_submission_request_submit() will be called. a #WebKitFormSubmissionRequest This signal is emitted when the web process crashes. Use WebKitWebView::web-process-terminated instead. %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. %FALSE to propagate the event further. This signal is emitted when the web process terminates abnormally due to @reason. the a #WebKitWebProcessTerminationReason Creates a new #WebKitWebViewSessionState from serialized data. a new #WebKitWebViewSessionState, or %NULL if @data doesn't contain a valid serialized #WebKitWebViewSessionState. a #GBytes Atomically increments the reference count of @state by one. This function is MT-safe and may be called from any thread. The passed in #WebKitWebViewSessionState a #WebKitWebViewSessionState Serializes a #WebKitWebViewSessionState. a #GBytes containing the @state serialized. a #WebKitWebViewSessionState Atomically decrements the reference count of @state by one. If the reference count drops to 0, all memory allocated by the #WebKitWebViewSessionState is released. This function is MT-safe and may be called from any thread. a #WebKitWebViewSessionState Gets the name of #WebKitWebsiteData. This is the website name, normally represented by a domain or host name. All local documents are grouped in the same #WebKitWebsiteData using the name "Local files". the website name of @website_data. a #WebKitWebsiteData Gets the size of the data of types @types in a #WebKitWebsiteData. Note that currently the data size is only known for %WEBKIT_WEBSITE_DATA_DISK_CACHE data type so for all other types 0 will be returned. the size of @website_data for the given @types. a #WebKitWebsiteData a bitmask of #WebKitWebsiteDataTypes Gets the types of data stored in the client for a #WebKitWebsiteData. These are the types actually present, not the types queried with webkit_website_data_manager_fetch(). a bitmask of #WebKitWebsiteDataTypes in @website_data a #WebKitWebsiteData Atomically increments the reference count of @website_data by one. This function is MT-safe and may be called from any thread. The passed #WebKitWebsiteData a #WebKitWebsiteData Atomically decrements the reference count of @website_data by one. If the reference count drops to 0, all memory allocated by #WebKitWebsiteData is released. This function is MT-safe and may be called from any thread. A #WebKitWebsiteData Creates a new #WebKitWebsiteDataManager with the given options. It must be passed as construction parameter of a #WebKitWebContext. the newly created #WebKitWebsiteDataManager name of the first option to set value of first option, followed by more options, %NULL-terminated Creates an ephemeral #WebKitWebsiteDataManager. See #WebKitWebsiteDataManager:is-ephemeral for more details. a new ephemeral #WebKitWebsiteDataManager. Asynchronously clear the website data of the given @types modified in the past @timespan. If @timespan is 0, all website data will be removed. When the operation is finished, @callback will be called. You can then call webkit_website_data_manager_clear_finish() to get the result of the operation. Due to implementation limitations, this function does not currently delete any stored cookies if @timespan is nonzero. This behavior may change in the future. a #WebKitWebsiteDataManager #WebKitWebsiteDataTypes a #GTimeSpan a #GCancellable or %NULL to ignore a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied the data to pass to callback function Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_website_data_manager_clear() %TRUE if website data was successfully cleared, or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitWebsiteDataManager a #GAsyncResult Asynchronously get the list of #WebKitWebsiteData for the given @types. When the operation is finished, @callback will be called. You can then call webkit_website_data_manager_fetch_finish() to get the result of the operation. a #WebKitWebsiteDataManager #WebKitWebsiteDataTypes a #GCancellable or %NULL to ignore a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied the data to pass to callback function Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_website_data_manager_fetch(). a #GList of #WebKitWebsiteData. You must free the #GList with g_list_free() and unref the #WebKitWebsiteData<!-- -->s with webkit_website_data_unref() when you're done with them. a #WebKitWebsiteDataManager a #GAsyncResult Get the #WebKitWebsiteDataManager:base-cache-directory property. the base directory for Website cache, or %NULL if #WebKitWebsiteDataManager:base-cache-directory was not provided or @manager is ephemeral. a #WebKitWebsiteDataManager Get the #WebKitWebsiteDataManager:base-data-directory property. the base directory for Website data, or %NULL if #WebKitWebsiteDataManager:base-data-directory was not provided or @manager is ephemeral. a #WebKitWebsiteDataManager Get the #WebKitCookieManager of @manager. a #WebKitCookieManager a #WebKitWebsiteDataManager Get the #WebKitWebsiteDataManager:disk-cache-directory property. the directory where HTTP disk cache is stored or %NULL if @manager is ephemeral. a #WebKitWebsiteDataManager Get the #WebKitWebsiteDataManager:hsts-cache-directory property. the directory where the HSTS cache is stored or %NULL if @manager is ephemeral. a #WebKitWebsiteDataManager Get the #WebKitWebsiteDataManager:indexeddb-directory property. the directory where IndexedDB databases are stored or %NULL if @manager is ephemeral. a #WebKitWebsiteDataManager Get the #WebKitWebsiteDataManager:local-storage-directory property. the directory where local storage data is stored or %NULL if @manager is ephemeral. a #WebKitWebsiteDataManager Get the #WebKitWebsiteDataManager:offline-application-cache-directory property. the directory where offline web application cache is stored or %NULL if @manager is ephemeral. a #WebKitWebsiteDataManager Get the #WebKitWebsiteDataManager:websql-directory property. WebSQL is no longer supported. Use IndexedDB instead. the directory where WebSQL databases are stored or %NULL if @manager is ephemeral. a #WebKitWebsiteDataManager Get whether a #WebKitWebsiteDataManager is ephemeral. See #WebKitWebsiteDataManager:is-ephemeral for more details. %TRUE if @manager is ephemeral or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitWebsiteDataManager Asynchronously removes the website data of the for the given @types for websites in the given @website_data list. Use webkit_website_data_manager_clear() if you want to remove the website data for all sites. When the operation is finished, @callback will be called. You can then call webkit_website_data_manager_remove_finish() to get the result of the operation. a #WebKitWebsiteDataManager #WebKitWebsiteDataTypes a #GList of #WebKitWebsiteData a #GCancellable or %NULL to ignore a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied the data to pass to callback function Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_website_data_manager_remove(). %TRUE if website data resources were successfully removed, or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitWebsiteDataManager a #GAsyncResult The base directory for Website cache. This is used as a base directory for any Website cache when no specific cache directory has been provided. The base directory for Website data. This is used as a base directory for any Website data when no specific data directory has been provided. The directory where HTTP disk cache will be stored. The directory where the HTTP Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS) cache will be stored. The directory where IndexedDB databases will be stored. Whether the #WebKitWebsiteDataManager is ephemeral. An ephemeral #WebKitWebsiteDataManager handles all websites data as non-persistent, and nothing will be written to the client storage. Note that if you create an ephemeral #WebKitWebsiteDataManager all other construction parameters to configure data directories will be ignored. The directory where local storage data will be stored. The directory where offline web application cache will be stored. The directory where WebSQL databases will be stored. WebSQL is no longer supported. Use IndexedDB instead. Enum values with flags representing types of Website data. Memory cache. HTTP disk cache. Offline web application cache. Session storage data. Local storage data. WebSQL databases. Deprecated 2.24 IndexedDB databases. Plugins data. Cookies. Hash salt used to generate the device ids used by webpages. Since 2.24 HSTS cache. Since 2.26 All types. Get whether the window should be shown in fullscreen state or not. %TRUE if the window should be fullscreen or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitWindowProperties Get the geometry the window should have on the screen when shown. a #WebKitWindowProperties return location for the window geometry Get whether the window should have the locationbar visible or not. %TRUE if locationbar should be visible or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitWindowProperties Get whether the window should have the menubar visible or not. %TRUE if menubar should be visible or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitWindowProperties Get whether the window should be resizable by the user or not. %TRUE if the window should be resizable or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitWindowProperties Get whether the window should have the scrollbars visible or not. %TRUE if scrollbars should be visible or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitWindowProperties Get whether the window should have the statusbar visible or not. %TRUE if statusbar should be visible or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitWindowProperties Get whether the window should have the toolbar visible or not. %TRUE if toolbar should be visible or %FALSE otherwise. a #WebKitWindowProperties Returns the major version number of the WebKit library. (e.g. in WebKit version 1.8.3 this is 1.) This function is in the library, so it represents the WebKit library your code is running against. Contrast with the #WEBKIT_MAJOR_VERSION macro, which represents the major version of the WebKit headers you have included when compiling your code. the major version number of the WebKit library Returns the micro version number of the WebKit library. (e.g. in WebKit version 1.8.3 this is 3.) This function is in the library, so it represents the WebKit library your code is running against. Contrast with the #WEBKIT_MICRO_VERSION macro, which represents the micro version of the WebKit headers you have included when compiling your code. the micro version number of the WebKit library Returns the minor version number of the WebKit library. (e.g. in WebKit version 1.8.3 this is 8.) This function is in the library, so it represents the WebKit library your code is running against. Contrast with the #WEBKIT_MINOR_VERSION macro, which represents the minor version of the WebKit headers you have included when compiling your code. the minor version number of the WebKit library Use this function to format a URI for display. The URIs used internally by WebKit may contain percent-encoded characters or Punycode, which are not generally suitable to display to users. This function provides protection against IDN homograph attacks, so in some cases the host part of the returned URI may be in Punycode if the safety check fails. @uri suitable for display, or %NULL in case of error. the URI to be converted %TRUE if access to an audio device was requested. a #WebKitUserMediaPermissionRequest %TRUE if access to a video device was requested. a #WebKitUserMediaPermissionRequest